
Thumbnail Title Description
Conscription is everyone's issue

Black poster with green wording. Image of child pushing wire car. Three army trucks in background. Calendar in background.

Stop unfair admissions criteria

Black poster with white letters. Title only.

Forward to a democratic constitution

Equality in constitution between men and women. Two blocks with images of men doing women's work. COSATU logo. Grey background with black lettering.

Actonville Child and Family Welfare Society

Copy of the Declaration of Children's Rights. Yellow poster with black lettering and zig zag border. Stick drawings of children around the edge.

Free the children

White poster with black lettering. Stick image of child in title replacing the I.

Children need schools not state violence

Unfair education poster. Black poster with white lettering. Title only.

Free non-racial democratic education for all

Unfair education poster. Black poster with white lettering. Title only.

Stop privatising schools

Unfair education poster. Black poster with white lettering. Title only.

Open schools for all!

Black poster on unfair education system. White lettering. Title only.

Down with racist education

Unfair education policy poster. Black poster with white lettering. Title only.

Education should be : free : compulsory : open to all

Unfair education poster. Black background with white lettering. Title only.

Vote National Party

Election poster for the National Party. Orange poster with blue wording. Photo of Verword?

UDF demands unban the ANC

UDF poster to unban the ANC. White poster with black lettering and black border.

Stop and think!

Support UDF. Don't vote poster. White poster with black lettering. UDF Logo.

Mote than 90 people have died in detention!

White poster with black lettering and border.

Come to the fair

End apartheid poster. Yellow poster with black background advertising Open Day on Tuesdy 31st May at St. Georges Church, Parktown, by the 5 Freedoms Forum. Image of a dinosaur with a dunce's cap on head with word apartheid on it. List of attractions.

African Continent

Multicoloured poster deplicting continent of Africa.

Arm yourself with knowledge

Yellow poster with black lettering. Blocks showing struggles of the past in different countries. Words organise and teach at bottom.

Literacy for knowledge and power!

Light blue background with red lettering for title. Multicoloured poster showing different scenes in South Africa. Nelson Mandela with right arm raised and ANC logo. List of adult literacy programmes at the bottom.

Join Wits womens movement

White background, title in green. Images of women in red holding letters "women working" in white standing on a block showing words "for a free society" in red letters. Green zig zag lines on border.


3485 records found.