
Thumbnail Title Description
MIneworkers say : Save our jobs

White poster with black lettering. NUM Logo.

Youth worker unity in action

Light blue background with title in brown. Title only.

Red and white poster

Red and white poster with gometrical patterns and chains. Images of men with hats and ties in between.

In the streets : May Day is ours!

Plack poster with white title top and bottom. mage in centre of people marching through the streets.

Black mamba rising

Red background with black and red lettering. Black border. Black and white modern art image in centre. SAa worker poets in struggle. COSATU Logo.


UDF recruitment poster. White background with black lettering and image of people holding UDF flag behind desk. with paper and pencils on it.

Struggles for democracy : workers in Europe

Black, white and red poster. Title in black lettering on red triangle across top left hand corner. Black and white image of workers, one holding a gun.

Health and safety before profits

Chemical Workers Industrial Union poster. Title in red letters, on black, yellow, red and white poster. Red image of clenched fist in middle. Black image of factories and oil drums across top of poster. Black image of people marching across bottom of poster. CWIU Logo.

Construction workers demand

White background with blue lettering. Image of helmet and worker. List of demands. CAWU Logo.

Unemployed workers

Unemployed Workers Movement recruitment poster. Black, red and white poster with title in red letters. Support the campaign in black letters.. Black and white image of people demonstrating. UWM Logo.

United in action the workers' footsteps will crush exploitation

Orange poster with black lettering. Black images of people marching with flag. Images of three people in blocks down right hand side.

The long march

Advertisement of play about Sarmcol workers struggle. Grey background. Lettering in white, outlined in red and black. Modern artwork of brown man with left armwork raised. Images of tress with fruit and houses in the background. Images of faces at bottom. Initials SAWCO.

The new nation : Tribute to Machel

White, red and black poster. Photo of Machel. Black image of Africa in circle at top with black rays emanating from it.

We remember Sharpeville

Black and white poster with black lettering. Image of dead people lying on ground with police walking around. Block containing image of upset student with hand over eyes. 69 killed. 180 wounded.

A list of trade unions

White poster with four pink columns listing all trade unions.

Dr Neil Aggett

Black and white poster. Artwork of a fist and hands in chains. Call to unite, mobilise and avenge the death of Dr Neil Aggett, Tvl. secretary, FCWU, AFCWU.

Congress says no! to Rajabansi and Constitution.

White poster with black lettering. Word 'No' in red letters. Equal rights for all. Natal Indian Congress poster.

Go well, son of man

White poster with black lettering. Story of uzikayise Samuel Thusi (Stanley Khumalo). Also known as 'son of man' Copy of his letter to General Secretary of SACP. Page from Umsebenzi, Colume 6. No. 4. Page 3.

We say no to retrenchments and jobs for all

SAMWU poster. White background with black lettering and thin black border. Title only.

Stop ! All unilateral restructuring

White poster with black lettering and thin black border. Title only.


3485 records found.