
Thumbnail Title Description
Soweto South Africa 1976: Gaza Strip Palestine 2004

Multicoloured poster. Hector Pieterson photograph. Same sort of photograph of scene from the Gaza Strip. Free Palestine : end Israeli apartheid. www.end the

Hamba kahle qhawe: Beyers Naude 1915-2004

Gold, brown, blue and cream poster. Photograph of Beyers Naude 1915 - 2004.

Maria and Mariam found refuge

Multicoloured poster. Photograph of a woman and her baby. Katkama Transit Camp, Guinea. Humanitarian Aid Works, United Nations.

World Conference against racism

Multicoloured poster. Jigsaw artwork of a man catching a butterfly on top of the world. Notice of a conference at Durban. United Nations and Human Rights logos.

NUMSA: 1987-2002

Red, yellow, black and white poster. Photographs of workers in various industries. NUMSA poster celebrating fifteen years of worker rights and worker democracy. NUMSA logo.

Free to learn

Multicoloured poster. Global Campaign for Education (SA) poster. Global Action Week - 22-28 April 2002. List of GCE activities that week. Demands to abolish school fees and other costs to education. Eight logos across bottom of poster.

Vital TRC files vanish

Yellow placard for Mail and Guardian newspaper, dated April 5 to 11 - 2002. Black lettering and thin red border top and bottom. Mail and Guardian in black letters, the "and" in red, on white background, at top of poster.

NUMSA cares for its kids!

Multicoloured poster. Photograph of children. A red aids ribbon. Notice of International Childrens Day, on June 1st 2002.

No jobs: make us sick

Multicoloured poster. Photograph of men looking for work at the street corner. Notice of a NUMSA Job Summit Campaign from 30th June to 31st July 2002. List of venues, events and activities. NUMSA and COSATU logos.

NUMSA National Bargaining Conference

Multicoloured poster. Photograph of children playing in buckets of water. Notice of conference on 23-26 April 2003. NUMSA Logo.

The Executive

Cream background, multicoloured poster. SACBC Education for Democracy poster no. 7. Chart showing the executive.

The New parliament

SACBC Education for Democracy poster no. 3. White background. Light blue oval shape containing artwork of the Senate Houses, containing the Senate and the National Assembly, makaing up the Constitutional Assembly sitting together.

How your vote counts in Transitional Local Council areas

SACBC 1995 no. 7 poster. Pink background, multicoloured poster. Voter education.

How to vote in Transitional Metropolitan Council areas

SACBC 1995 no. 8 poster. Blue background, multicoloured poster.

The New provinces and their seats in the National Assembly

SACBC Education for Democracy poster no. 5. Light blue and lilac background with black lettering. Yellow map of South Africa showing provinces.

How do we close the wage gap?

Multicoloured cartoon poster showing salaries from top of company to the bottom. 1995 campaign by NUMSA. NUMSA logo.

Herleef 'n belangrike sportgebeurtenis met hierdie gedenkgeskenkpak

Multicoloured poster showing folder of commemorative postage stamps celebrating the victory of South Africa in the Rugby World Cup in 1995. Dark blue and black background showing men playing rugby. Post Office logo.

Mandela's rainbow year

Newspaper articles from The Star, in conjunction with Telkom, regarding Nelson Mandela. Telkom issues a special R10 phone card to honour Nelson Mandela. Photographs of Mandela with various international dignataries.

Community Growth Fund calendar: 1995

Red, yellow, black and orange artwork of a miner and a woman, small houses, a train and power station stacks in background. Calendar for 1995. Community Growth Fund (CGF) logo.

Postage stamps 1995

Multicoloured poster. Artwork of aeroplanes and wild animals around poster. Examples of postage stamps issued from January to March 1995.


3485 records found.