
Thumbnail Title Description
Heritage Day: 24 September 1996

Brown, black and white poster. Photograph of Enoch Sontonga, and a short history of him in three languages. Artwork of Lovedale Church. Words of Nkosi Sikelela and God bless Africa.

1987-1997: SAMWU poster

Yellow poster with black, red and yellow lettering. SAMWU logo. Black and white photographs of protests over the last ten years.

NUMSA 5th National Congress

Notice of NUMSA 5th National Congress on the 25th to the 29th September 1996 in Johannesburg. Yellow and orange background with black and white photographs of NUMSA members. NUMSA logo.

Make your statement

Multicoloured poster.Truth and Reconciliation Commission poster. Artwork of people talking and thinking back about past history. List of TRC offices and telephone numbers to contact to tell your story.

Centenary of the South African postcard

Notice of an exhibition at the Pretoria Art Museum from December 1996 to January 1997. Multicoloured artwork of a rural hotel and ox wagon scene in South Africa. Coloured replicas of postcards issued in the past.

Lovers plus condoms: it's your life! 1997 calendar

Issued by Society for Family Health. Calendar for 1977. Advertisement for Lovers + condoms. Hilarious cartoon artwork of condoms.

Ask the children

International Children's Day poster. Photos of children in the Western Cape celebrating the day. Black, white and orange poster with black lettering. Comments from children involved.

Postage stamps 1996

Multicoloured poster showing postage stamps issued in 1996.

For the people by the people

Advertisement for Volkswagen cars. Light grey background. South African flag made up of cars lined up in the colours of the flag. Olympic logo in bottom left hand corner. Volkswagen is sponsor of South African Olympic Team for 1996. Volkswagen logo.

Kairos II Rally

Multicoloured poster. Notice of a rally at Regina Mundi Church. List of speakers and cultural entertainment. International delegates.

Southern African Cuba Solidarity Conference

Black, white, red and blue poster. Notice of a conference on 6 - 8 October 1995. Photograph of Nelson Mandela and Fidel Castro. Black border. Logo for Cuba - Southern Africa Solidarity Conference.

Congress Communication for Human Dignity

White poster. Blue circle with yellow and orange artwork in it. Notice of a congress on 7-11 October 1995, Oaxtepec, Mexico. Issued by World Association for Christian Communication (WACC).

Landmines: an ongoing atrocity

Multicoloured artwork poster. Three African women, two without a leg, walking across fields. Support the International Campaign to Ban Landmines.

COSATU Policy Conference on Health, Safety and the Environment

Blue background with red and yellow lettering. Notice of a Policy Conference. COSATU logo. 10 year anniversary 1985-1995.

COSATU 10th anniversary rally

Black, green, red, yellow and white poster. Notice of a rally at Kings Park, Durban. COSATU logo. List of speakers and culture. Artwork of a COSATU member with arm raised.

Women say justice before reconciliation

WOSA Gender Commission 1996. Women's Organisation for Socialist Action. WOSA Logo. Black background. Multicoloured artwork of two women, one naked with a scar down her back, dead people on the floor. City skyline in the background.

Constitution '96: equality for all

Multicoloured poster. National Coalition for Gay and Lesbian Equality. Small blocks resembling paint samples around border of small coloured photographs of various people.

Builders of the nation: 12: the Labour Relations Act

Multicoloured poster produced for the Department of Labour by the Mayibuye Centre, UWC. Artwork of people protesting and people celebrating the new Labour Relations Act. Aslo artwork of the new South African flag.

Engineering wage talks 1996: dispute!

Red, yellow, black and white poster. Photograph of two NUMSA workers. List of NUMSA demands. NUMSA logo. Notice of intended meeting.

Engineering wage talks

Red, yellow, black and white NUMSA poster. List of demands. Notice of proposed meeting on wage talks. NUMSA logo. Black and white background of protesters.


3485 records found.