
Thumbnail Title Description
The people shall sing and dance

White poster with red letters and red border. COSATU Logo. Diamond shape at bottom with letters FAWC.

Viva UDF : We will speak : We will meet : We will win

UDF poster. Yellow background with black lettering. UDF Logo. Image of people across bottom of poster.

June 16 is ours

Yellow, red and black poster. Black and white image of crowd in centre with yellow image of Hector Peterson photo. COSATU Logo.

Release Mandela and all political prisoners

Yellow, green and black poster. Green background and lettering in yellow. Black borders. Photo of Mandela.

Congress supports SWAPO Victory in Namibia

Blue, red, green and white poster with white and blue lettering. Title only.

Release Mandela campaign : The people shall govern

Yellow poster with black lettering. RMC flags in top left and right hand corners. Photo of Harry Themba Gwala (67 years). Call for his release.

Welcome home comrade president

Black poster with orange and green triangular border around face of president, of the ANC, Oliver Tambo, with image of people in background.

UDF adopts the Freedom Charter

Cream poster with black and red lettering. Image of people marching and factory and housing in background. UDF Logo. List of demands.

Let Mbeki speak!

UDF poster. White background with black lettering. Image of gagged Mbeki. UDF Logo with trumpet.

Christmas service

Notice of carol service and nativity play by UDF on 15th December at Cathedral Place, Saratoga Avenue. Yellow poster with black lettering and images. Image of candel behind bars. Solidarity with detainees.

Black Christmas

White poster with black lettering. Image of people at funeral with coffins. UDF poster.

Wanted for apartheid crimes

Red poster with black lettering. Photo of F W de Klerk. SACP Logo.

Racist hotel bosses!

Yellow poster with black lettering. Image of man carrying Hector Petersen in front of Southern Sun hotel foyer. Re-instate workers fired for observing June 16th. Viva CCAWUSA. Viva COSATU.

Open Joubert Park Primary School to all

Unfair education poster. Black background with white lettering. Title only

Empty schools are a crime

Unfair education poster. Black background with white lettering. Title only.

Mouvement anti-apartheid

French anti apartheid poster. Image of black baby sitting in helmet. White poster with black lettering.

Detentions!!!!: bannings!!!!!!: repression!!!

Black, white and red United Democratic Front poster. Artwork of a hand rippping up a paper with the words "Botha's reforms" on it.

Have you joined the NUM?

Recruitment poster for NUM. NUM Logo. Yellow poster with black lettering. Photo of a man running. Photo of man holding large pencil.

Domestic and farmworkers organise or starve

White, red and black poster urging domestic and formworkers to organise themselves. COSATU logo. Image of women and farmworkers.

Viva comrade Moss

Blue background with red lettering. Black image of four men behind bars. Viva Alex comrades. We stand in solidarity.


3485 records found.