
Thumbnail Title Description
Stay away 01 February 1991

Cream background with black blocks and white lettering. Notice of regional marches at Pretoria and Soweto. Black and white image of people marching. ANC Logo.

Promote peace and democracy

Dark pink poster with black and yellow lettering. ANC Logo. Image of soldiers in dark blue. Join march to freedom. Yellow flower.

Welcome home

Red poster with black lettering. Images of black heads and face in centre.

I-ANC i thi : hlanganani nidale uxolo

Light blue background with black green and yellow rainbow stripes. Dove with leaf in mouth. ANC Logo. Hlonganani, nidale, uxolo.

People's action for a democratic South Africa

Black green and yellow background. Red lettering. Red block in bottom left hand corner letters in white Forward to freedom and ANC Logo. Photos of ANC dignataries and photos of people marching.

ANC Mandela : O ya tla!

White background with black lettering. Black block at top with white lettering and ANC logo.

ANC : ANC : Amandela Uyeza! :

White background with black lettering. Black block at top with white lettering and ANC Logo.

ANC : ANC : Mandela Kom!

White background with black lettering. Black block at top with white lettering and ANC Logo.

Alternative education for a democratic future

White background with black lettering and black and white images of five people, title has double red lines around it. Cape Teachers Professional Association.

Struggle for literacy and power

White background with red flag and black lettering black and white image of people holding large white pencils

Literacy for all

Light grey background with orange writing and green border plus black and white image of two women with books on their head and a child

Resist mine repression! defend our union

NUM poster. Cream background with red lettering red artwork with white images of mineworkers. NUM Logo.

Martindale Counselling Centre

Notice offering counselling. White background with black and green lettering and green artwork of a branch of a tree. Counselling at 21 Martindale Street, Annadale.

Our children are the flowers of the future

Vumani pre-school project poster. Yellow background with orange lettering plus black and white image of the globe

Tenants' legal rights

List of tenants' legal rights. Black background with yellow lettering. ACTSTOP logo.

NEUSA : National Education Union of South Africa

White background with black lettering artwork showing outline of South Africa with thumb holding open book with black writing


Light brown background with artwork of an outline of South Africa in white and title lettering in white

What is history? : Who makes history? : History is about people in the past

Dark cream background with blue lettering and cave drawings also artwork of historical figures.

National Education Crisis Committee and Free The Children Alliance

Free the children poster. Black and white poster with copy of lino cut by Mkhuseli Ngcabatsha

Working for a just peace

End conscription poster. Green background with black lettering and bird sitting on a rifle


3485 records found.