
Thumbnail Title Description
Forward to national women's unity : Woman : more than man's spare rib

Womens unity poster. Green background with black and white artwork by Bongine Dhlomo showing working women

Women Unite

Womens unity poster. Black background with photo of women in meeting with green border and poem by Dora Tamana

The unity we need is people's unity : Organise fight on!

Womens unity poster. White background with black lettering and image of woman with hand and thumb raised. Small map of africa with womans head on it, initials FEDSAW underneath it.

To de Klerk we say

Pale green background. List of demands regarding schools. ANCYL Logo

Sign up for democracy

Yellow poster on green background. Black and green lettering. ANC Logo. Image of a hand holding a pen. ANC Signature campaign.

Red and black head

Red and black head in foreground with yellow and red rays behind.

Red sun on yellow background

Yellow background with red suns rays and red oval

ANC lives : ANC leads

Black green and yellow blocks with black lettering. Each block with four or five fists raised.

Don't vote : Unite against apartheid

Light blue background with black lettering. Workers Parents Students Unite. Image of a factory Bourg and Co Manuf.

Reject the Emergency : Black Sash : Vigil

Notice of Vigil at Central Methodist Church, Pritchard Street, Friday 10th June. White background with black lettering. Black block in centred with word VIGIL in white letters.

Mandela : 70 : Rally

White background with black lettering. Yellow image of Nelson Mandela

Sebokeng Sharpeville : Repression

White background with black lettering. Red diagonal slash from left to right with word SIES in white.

Workers unite : Join COSATU

White background with dark blue lettering. Blue block in centre with raised fist in white. Join COSATU

Raakwys : Read Raakwys!

Notice of publication of newspaper. Riverlea's own newspaper. Grey background with green lettering.

The release Mandela compaign : Welcome our leaders

Yellow background with photos of ANC dignitaries and photo of Mandela. ANC Logo.

Demand a constituent assembly!

Cream background with black lettering. The first step to a people's parliament in green letters. ANC Logo. Black and white image of people marching.

We demand : Interim government : Democracy

Light grey background with black lettering. Large yellow arrow with interim government in white letters from white image of South Africa to black image of South Africa. Forward to Constituent Assembly. ANC Logo.

Stop killing our people

White background with black lettering. Photo of Lawrence Ndzanga died in detention 8th January 1977. ANC Logo

Long Live ANC!

Black background with white lettering and white border.

Demand a people's budget!

White background black lettering. Big boot on word poverty. Red block in top left hand corner with title in white lettering. ANC Logo.


3485 records found.