Katesa Schlosser

Thumbnail Title Description
Girls fetching firewood on Ceza mountain

Another girl puts the load on her head.

Girls fetching firewood on Ceza mountain

The girl has risen.

Girls fetching firewood on Ceza mountain

Kneeling the girl has put the load on her head

Girls fetching firewood on Ceza mountain

One of the girls with her load which still stands upright. The girl has protected her head with a coil which is not seen and is covered with cloth.

Girls fetching firewood on Ceza mountain

Girls use to collect firewood in groups. They fix the large bundles of wood with grass ropes.

Enoch (Enoki) Zulu from Ngalonde

Alzina's weaving material-umuzi stalks, twisted umuzi skin, and wool for eating mats, izithebe.

Enoch (Enoki) Zulu from Ngalonde

Enoch Zulu's mother Alzina Mqoshwana Zulu starts to weave an eating mat, isithebe, from umuzi, Cyperus sexangularis. Left : a bundle of umuzi.

Enoch (Enoki) Zulu from Ngalonde

Enoch's potrait in profile, with impressive crane feathers in his head band, umqhele.

Enoch (Enoki) Zulu from Ngalonde

Same situation as F 1a/1. Enoch in profile. his rear apron, ibheshu, is from black and white calf skin. He wears side tails from skin, izinjobo.

Enoch (Enoki) Zulu from Ngalonde

Enoch Zulu in festive attire. In his head band, umqhele, from skin stick crane feathers. His bandoliers are from plush with leopard pattern. On his upper arm he wears tufts of the teased hairs of white oxtails.

Enoch (Enoki) Zulu from Ngalonde

In Enoch's home at Ngalonde. Left Enoch's brother Jacob Zulu and right, Jacob's son John Anton Zulu who is blowing a trumpet made from a large oxhorn which is owned by his father.

Enoch (Enoki) Zulu from Ngalonde

Enoch Zulu (right) with his milk car

Induna Mbongo Ndwangeni Zulu: induna of Laduma

Mrs Khukhu Khumalo Zulu grinding mealies in the kraal of Induna Zulu.

Induna Mbongo Ndwangeni Zulu: induna of Laduma

Taro, Madumbe, and Pumpkins in front of a stone house of Induna Zulu.

Induna Mbongo Ndwangeni Zulu: induna of Laduma

The beehive hut from 1979/II, F10/10 and F 10/16 after transporting the frame of the roof to a new place and putting it on a round wickerwall which here is covered with a first layer clay.

Induna Mbongo Ndwangeni Zulu: induna of Laduma

A compass of straw for the circle of a round hut.

Induna Mbongo Ndwangeni Zulu: induna of Laduma

April 1983: View from Induna Zulu's kraal towards Ceza ( In the centre of the picture)

Induna Mbongo Ndwangeni Zulu: induna of Laduma

View from Induna Zulu's kraal as far as to the mountains on the other side of the Isikhwebezi kwa Ceza.

Induna Mbongo Ndwangeni Zulu: induna of Laduma

Induna Zulu's daughter in law with two of her children

Induna Mbongo Ndwangeni Zulu: induna of Laduma

Induna Zulu


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