Katesa Schlosser

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Schlosser medizinen des blitzzauberers Laduma Madela, plate 23

Schlosser medizinen des blitzzauberers Laduma Madela, plate 23

Fetching coal in an inofficial coal mine on Ceza Mountain 7th January 1986

On the way back to Laduma's kraal. from left to right: Ziphelaphi, Lina Dlakude who is Alexina's daughter, Dumaza, Alexina and two other women.

Fetching coal in an inofficial coal mine on Ceza Mountain 7th January 1986

Dumaza collects other medicine plants.

Fetching coal in an inofficial coal mine on Ceza Mountain 7th January 1986

With the coal on her head Dumaza having collected some twigs for medicines rests on a stone.

Fetching coal in an inofficial coal mine on Ceza Mountain 7th January 1986

Overburden of the mine which had killed a woman and hurt five women severely when rushing down into a valley, on 21st December 1985.

Fetching coal in an inofficial coal mine on Ceza Mountain 7th January 1986

Dumaza Mhlongo Madela carries a large piece of coal oh her head.

Fetching coal in an inofficial coal mine on Ceza Mountain 7th January 1986

Alexina Madela Dlakude with coal broken by her out of seam.

Fetching coal in an inofficial coal mine on Ceza Mountain 7th January 1986

Detail of the seam of F 2a/16

Schlosser medizinen des blitzzauberers Laduma Madela, plate 43
Fetching coal in an inofficial coal mine on Ceza Mountain 7th January 1986

Lina Dlakude besides the seam.

Fetching coal in an inofficial coal mine on Ceza Mountain 7th January 1986

Dumaza Mhlongo Madide near a seam to her right.

Fetching coal in an inofficial coal mine on Ceza Mountain 7th January 1986

In the coal mine which is situated outside the homeland KwaZulu on a farmer's territory who silently did not contradict the illegal use of the mine which is used primarily because the wood on Ceza mountain became rare because of the growing population.

Fetching coal in an inofficial coal mine on Ceza Mountain 7th January 1986

Similar situation as on F2a/11. The school at Ngalonde, two bright houses are seen towards the right.

Fetching coal in an inofficial coal mine on Ceza Mountain 7th January 1986

On the way from Madela's present kraal to the coal mine we pass Madela's old kraal site from which this picture is taken.

Huts under construction at Ngalonde in 1986

The wall of a rectangular hut under construction in wicker work.

Huts under construction at Ngalonde in 1986

The start of the wicker work construction of a round hut. The door opening which is not seen, is to the utmost right. The flag on the high pole shows that a young man from the kraal succeeded in winning the love of a girl. In the background some maize fields.

Huts under construction at Ngalonde in 1986

The poles for the hut were placed into the ground.

Construction of huts in a new Khumalo kraal near Laduma Madela's kraal

Detail of the grassy clay sods.

Construction of huts in a new Khumalo kraal near Laduma Madela's kraal

The same hut. The filling of the interspaces have been continued on the right side of the door opening where an opening for a window is forseen.

Construction of huts in a new Khumalo kraal near Laduma Madela's kraal

A rectangular hut from wicker work with a roof of corrugated iron. To the left side of the door opening the interspaces have been filled with grassy clay sods.


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