Katesa Schlosser

Thumbnail Title Description
Construction of huts in a new Khumalo kraal near Laduma Madela's kraal

The door side of that hut.

Construction of huts in a new Khumalo kraal near Laduma Madela's kraal

The hut from F 2a/3 while the roof is thatched by a man with the help of a ladder.

Construction of huts in a new Khumalo kraal near Laduma Madela's kraal

The inside of another wicker-work hut in which the interspaces have been filled with sods of clay. Now the thatch grass is fixed with grass ropes at the wooden roof construction.

Construction of huts in a new Khumalo kraal near Laduma Madela's kraal

The back of the hut.

Construction of huts in a new Khumalo kraal near Laduma Madela's kraal

The round hut is constructed in wicker-work. The woman with the baby has ocred her face. The other woman is the wife of Laduma Madela's half brother Mbabazeni Madela.

Mat weaving on wooden frames

In Laduma Madela's Kraal: Alexina Madela Dlakude (left) and Dumaza Mhlongo Madela weave together at the same frame.

Mat weaving on wooden frames

The back of the frame.

Mat weaving on wooden frames

Mrs Selina Sebenzile Zulu works at the front side of the frame.

Schlosser medizinen des blitzzauberers Laduma Madela, plate 27

Schlosser medizinen des blitzzauberers Laduma Madela, plate 27

A collector of medicine plants: Laduma Madela's friend Seven Khumalo

Seven was of very small stature. In spite of this he was feared as a great fighter with his knobkerrie. Here he comes from the top of Ceza mountain where he had collected barks and roots.

Small girls with bead girdles, one with a frontal apron from beads, isigege, and a little boy.

Three more girls with iziheshe

Small girls with bead girdles, one with a frontal apron from beads, isigege, and a little boy.

One more girl with isiheshe, another girl with isigege, and a little boy with small frontal apron from skin, ilibele, and a bandolier of beads. The picture was taken in the kraal of a murderer who was healed by Laduma Madela from his aggressiveness.

Small girls with bead girdles, one with a frontal apron from beads, isigege, and a little boy.

A young mother with a baby and four little girls. As a shawl of respect, isihlonipho, the woman wears a bandolier of beads. Three little girls wear girdles of loos hanging strings of beads, iziheshe. One girl has an oblong apron from beads, isigege.

Thatching a granary

The woman fixes the grass with grass ropes.

Thatching a granary

In a kraal next to Laduma Madela's. A woman is about to fix the thatch grass on a granary. She mounts the top of the hut with a ladder

Schlosser medizinen des blitzzauberers Laduma Madela
Mtholeni Nyandeni, born 1910,died about 1993, a medicine man and friend of Laduma Madela

As F 10/22.

Mtholeni Nyandeni, born 1910,died about 1993, a medicine man and friend of Laduma Madela

Nyandeni from behind.

Mtholeni Nyandeni, born 1910,died about 1993, a medicine man and friend of Laduma Madela

Nyandeni full size. Round his upper arms and under the knees he wears ubusenga from iron wire round horse hairs and covered with beads of aluminium.

Mtholeni Nyandeni, born 1910,died about 1993, a medicine man and friend of Laduma Madela

Nyandeni potrait in profile. In his head band from jackal skin are crane feathers.


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