Katesa Schlosser

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Visit to Velabengasho in 1979/II, i.e October 5th 1979

As F 15/24

Visit to Velabengasho in 1979/II, i.e October 5th 1979

Velabengasho presents the meat of the goat on large wooden meat platters.

Visit to Velabengasho in 1979/II, i.e October 5th 1979

Velabengasho himself started to skin the goat in order to secure proper parts of the skin for iminqwamba, the attribute og izangoma and even of Velabengasho as an inyanga ( medicine man). see " Hand-werke", plate 46.

Visit to Velabengasho in 1979/II, i.e October 5th 1979

Before slaughtering the goat Velabengasho praised the ancestors and asked them to protect me. He wears the uniform of a policeman. indeed he was a policeman of the local chief. his wife Gabajana is down on her knees as token of respect, hlonipha. Laduma Madela watches at the right side.

Velabengashongo at his brother's Mxoveni wedding

Same situation. He has fixed the white cloth here on his right arm. Our bandoliers from glass beads, a stiff beaded belt, and on top on his rear apron: rectangular bead ornaments, which are seen to the left side.

Velabengashongo at his brother's Mxoveni wedding

Velabengasho giyas ( performs war dances) on the second wedding of his elder brother Mxoveni, who was a widower.

Under the roof of Velabengasho's great hut

( Continuation of 10= F 10/21. It ends at the right side at 3= F. 10/17) To the left the shark's head skin and the bones of the umhlangwe from no 10. it follows Velabengasho's large dance shield and partly underneathit, two skins of goats...

Under the roof of Velabengasho's great hut

Half head skin of a shark. it is the skin of the smooth hound. mustelus lavis which gets about 150cm long. it is unknown to me how Velabengasho got this half head skin so far away in the interior of the country.

Under the roof of Velabengasho's great hut

Below the dried snake skins from No. 8 Velabengasho's small "red" dance shield from dried ox hide.

Under the roof of Velabengasho's great hut

Dried snake skins.

Under the roof of Velabengasho's great hut

( Continuation of 6 = F 10/20) Above the maize cobs the penis of a goat.

Under the roof of Velabengasho's great hut

( Continuation of no. 2 F 10/15). To the left: The black mamba. Top maize cob for seed. To the right: sorghum for seed.

Under the roof of Velabengasho's great hut

The same rafter as no 4. Two pairs of goat horns nailed to it and some remnants of horns. fixed behind purlins two spoons. Stuck into the roof straw a knobkerrie which Velabengasho used to return the lighting to that witch he had sent lightning.

Under the roof of Velabengasho's great hut

Above the hut's door opening. Horns of a goat nailed to a rafter. Remnants of the other horns below them. Moreover lower yaws of goats and of a black sheep ram and shoulder bladers of goats, etc. Part of a hen's wishbone.

Under the roof of Velabengasho's great hut

The gall bladders and the heavy lump of fat from no 2. To the right dried leaves. As soon as it started thundering Velabengasho took part of the leaves and burnt them.

Under the roof of Velabengasho's great hut

To the left: The fish cut open and spread asunder from no 1. The salamander from no 1. The entire green mamba, the head of which is wound around a black mamba. The skin of a black mamba is fitted upon a very long stick.

Under the roof of Velabengasho's great hut

As in most of the photos there is a garland from impepho, helichrysmu miconiaefolium, by which the ancestors ghosts are honoured.

Visit to Velabengasho in 1979, in April

Velabengasho's wife Gabajana Mhlongo in front of the cattle kraal. At the tops of the posts several cattle horns have been fastened to inform the ancestors ghost that the cattle had been killed in their honour.

Visit to Velabengasho in 1979, in April

The two men seen from behind. Mbhekeni's rear apron is from white calf skin. Velabengasho's rear apron is from Cheetah.

Visit to Velabengasho in 1979, in April

Mbhekeni Mhlongo and Velabengasho Khumalo standing in front of Velabengasho's cattle kraal. Some apparel in F. 11/25 and F 9/35. Velabengasho had added voluminious side tails, izinjobo, from the skin of the white-tailed Mongoose.


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