South Africa

Thumbnail Title Description
Job market press cuttings
Job loss - retrenchment press cuttings
Job creation press cuttings
John Clark Collection

A page from Fynn's manuscript diary, now kept in the Natal Archives.

GEAR press cuttings
John Clark Collection

This statue commemorates a 15-year-old boy named John Ross who made a long and dangerous round trip of 600 miles (about 960km) from NAtal to Delagoa Bay (later Lourenco Marques, now Maputo) to obtain medicines and ship supplies for the Port Natal settlers. Apprenticed to Lieut. J.S.

Gear Growth Employment and Redistribution press cuttings
Employment general press cuttings
Employment equity articles
Employment equity bill act press cuttings
Basic conditions of employment act press cuttings
John Clark Collection

Site of Farewell's camp- Durban centre

This aerial photograph shows Farewell's campsite as it is today, embedded in the business centre of Durban.

John Clark Collection

A rough sketch of the sloop Julia, owned by Farewell, labouring in a storm off the Natal coast. The picture was drawn by J. P. Hoffman, a member of the original party and later the first president of the Orange Free State.

John Clark Collection

Farewell's camp, circa 1824. It was Henry Francis Fynn who selected the site, now the Durban town gardens, and named Farewell Square. Despite the solid appearance of the buildings, they were primitive wattle-and-dab structures roofed with thatching grass, found nearby.

John Clark Collection

A.T. Spies (1800-89) Famous Voortrkker commandant and Natal leader. During the Great Trek, he showed leadership qualities in the battles against Dingane. When Weenen was surveyed in 1840 he became its first commandant.

John Clark Collection

Andries Pretorius (1798-1853) An artist's impression of this military hero of the Voortrekkers. Pretorius's spiritual home was always NAtal, although he left for the Transvaal, later becoming its first president.

John Clark Collection

Blood River.

Sketch by H. Egersdorfer of the breakout from the laager of the mounted Boers.

John Clark Collection

Johann David Marquard (1819-80) First public teacher or headmaster of the Government school at the corner of Longmarket and Chapel Streets, Pietermaritzburg. It was opened on 16th July 1849. Marquard was a cultured man, highly regarded by the Dutch community.

Basic condition of employment act
John Clark Collection

Rev. William Nisbett (1799-1885) First Government teacher in Durban in 1850 and was notorious as a flogging master. He had no love for teaching - it merely helped to eke out his income as a military chaplain.


26017 records found.