South Africa

Thumbnail Title Description
John Clark Collection

Richard 'Dick' King (1813-71) seems to have been a modest man. Regrettably,  he gave little or no information regarding his famous ride to Grahamstown.

John Clark Collection

The parsonage, Umzinto Lodge, 1865

John Clark Collection

Picnic at Imakechuana, 1865

John Clark Collection

The Magistracy of  Moodie like Umzinto , Now a Coolie hospital

John Clark Collection

J. C. Chase

John Clark Collection

One of the original homesteads built by the settlers of Marburg after their initial so journ in grass huts. There are two remaining in the districts.

John Clark Collection

Cottage on the side of Estcourt 1936

John Clark Collection

Animal hunt settlers at Marburg

John Clark Collection

View from verandah of the original Umzinto lodge, 1880s

John Clark Collection

Kelso Grove, Umzinto residence

John Clark Collection

Ifafa beach cottage, 1891

John Clark Collection

Iron and Steel factory

John Clark Collection

Fire Tragedy - Durban, 1908 June 25

John Clark Collection

Fire Tragedy - Durban 1908

John Clark Collection

Family group at Arbonville, Janie Arbuthuor in centre.

You and the receiver of revenue
Toward understanding of the Black workers Struggle Against Apartheid
The Zululand Sore: Migrant Sugar-Estate Labour in Natal, 1914-1939
The struggle continues
The Shopsteward: COSATU Congress Special, Aug/sept 1997, Vol 6.4


26251 records found.