
Thumbnail Title Description
Two Zulu men driving oxwagon, Livinstone photographs

Two Zulu men driving oxwagon, Livinstone photographs

Musical Instrument

Stringed musical instrument.

Ship Cannon

Small ship Cannon.

Grinding Stone

Small grinding stone.


'Igula' large goud which is used as a drinking cup.

Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 1972-1976

Girl Guides are enrolled.

The Discrict Commissioner for the Indian girl guides in the City, Miss N.A. Naicker,enrolled a number of girls into the movement over the weekend.

Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 1972-1976

Left ; Mr . John Cohen's farm near Ladysmith was the venue for the annual Baden Powell Day celebrations but not only boy scouts, the wof clubs , the girl guides and  the brownies were in attendance.

Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 1972-1976

Brownies listen to a Story.

Hundreds of Girl guides and brownies from the Natal Midlands celebrated girl guides Thinking day at Cadara yesterday with a colourful carnival.

Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 1972-1976

Pictured at the Civic Morning tea were Mrs.Hetta Steenkamp Mayoress of Empangeni, Mrs. Billy O'Conner Divisional commissioner Zululand , Mrs Cadman, Mrs. E.R. Bain provincial Commissioner and Mrs W. Bozas.

Musical Instrument

Sringed musical instrument.


'Amathambo', sacred bones used for divining.

'Uphondo no Khanda'

'Uphondo no Khamba', Utensils for mixing medicine.

Musical Instrument

Two musical instrument.


'Ishoba', an item made from a cow's tail, carried by Deviners or Kings.

'Umkhonto: Ikrwa'

'Umkhonto; Ikrwa' Long  fighting spear. 

Musical Instrument

Stringed musical instrument.

Weapon: long axe

Long axe used as a fighting weapon.

Musical instrument

Musical instrument.


'Isiphandla', Goat or cow skin bracelet,  that is worn by family members after a ritual.


'Uphondo', animal horn that can be used as a medicine storage.


16159 records found.