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Girl Guides of S.A: Natal region 1968-1972

Six special and eight long service awards were given to Natal Guiders at the 52nd South African headquarters council meeting at Hermanus recently.

Higgs Muriel

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Girl Guides of S.A: Natal region 1968-1972

Penelope Williams and Miss Munnie at Santa Kiosk.

Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 1972-1976

Highest Award In Guiding.

Girl Guides of S.A: Natal region 1968-1972

Guides honoured. Mrs. Ross Jones presents Ruth Taylor with her founder's Badge at a special ceremony at Estcourt.

Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 1972-1976

Both Brownie Packs attended Guides on the 14th for the flying up ceremony . Brownies who flew to guides were; Jane Keen, Caroline Keith, Michelle Engler and Robyn Hatcher.Brownies that walked up were; Helen Keen, Elaine Egerton , Carol Howes kim Morillion and Cynthia Harvard.

Girl Guides of S.A: Natal region 1968-1972

Brownies meets their leader. Pitermaritzburg Brownies and Girl Guides gathered at Lexden Scout Camp at Wembley yesterday afternoon for the official visit of the provincial Girl Guides Commissioner, Mrs. Ethnie Bain.

Higgs Muriel

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Girl Guides of S.A: Natal region 1968-1972

Leadership course for guiders: More than 80 African Girl Guiders-adult leaders from all parts of Natal are attending a pronvicial training course for instructors at the Ecumenical centre, Edendale, Pietermaritzburg.

Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 1972-1976

Whites and non-whites marched under the South African flag at the annual Guide Sunday service, which was held in the Durban City Hall. Coloured, Indian and white guides from Durban District attended the ceremony. seen leading the march is Mrs J.Couzens,the district commissioner of Westville.

Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 1972-1976

The North Durban Division held their annual service recently at the Parkhill Hall.

Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 1972-1976

Mrs Joan Christian, Mrs Ann Ross ,who both did so much to bring the hall into being ; Fred Herbert from the idea emanated and wife Vicki.

Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 1972-1976

They Mayor congratulates Group Scoutmaster Mr.Brian Godbold after whom the hall was named.

Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 1972-1976

Cubs smartly turned out, centre Cubmaster Ron Reynolds whoes intire family are keen on scouting.

Higgs Muriel

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Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 1968-1972

Good deed suprise: One of Northdale's oldest residents, Mrs. Kistappa Naidoo, received a pleasant suprise when Brownies from the W.A Lewitt State Indian School paid her a visit and showered her with gifts during Guide Week.

Higgs Muriel

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Higgs Muriel

Higgs Muriel Album 1

Higgs Muriel

Higgs Muriel Album 1

Higgs Muriel

Higgs Muirel Album 1


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