
Thumbnail Title Description
Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 1972-1976

Guiders Training;  back row : Mrs B. Anderson , Dundee. Mrs M. Shingler -Brownie Trainer Durban. 2nd Row ; Miss M.  Atkinson and Mrs . J. Jones, Ladysmith, Mrs M . Harding, Dundee. Mrs. M.Sharp and Mrs S. Fowle, Newcastle. 3rd row: Mrs D. Bowman. Guide Trainer Durban,Mrs P. Blamey ,Dundee.

Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 1972-1976

Scouts and guides who attended B.P. Sunday on John Cohens Farm.

Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 1972-1976

Brownie's Ceremony and Thinking Day.

The 1st Estcourt Brownies held their annual "Thinking Day"Church Parad on 18th February .The service was held at St.Matthews Anglican Church and Conducted by Rev. Michael Hays.

Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 1972-1976

Left; Mr John Cohen's farm near Ladysmith was the venue for the annual Baden Powell Day celebrations on Sunday. But not only the boy scouts, the Wolf Cubs, the Girl Guides and the Brownies were in attendance.

'Umshanelo weSundu'

'Umshanelo weSundu', medium size grass broom.


'Igula', Clay wooden carved milk storage.

'Umshanelo weSundu''

'Umshanelo weSundu', small grass broom.


'Isigqiki', small wooden carved stool.


'Igeja' medium sized digging iron hoe.

Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 1972-1976

Cornelia Kranz, 4th Virginia Pack, who has gained all 26 brownie Proficiency Badges,including such as Musician, Needlewoman, Collector, Gardener, Cooks house, Entertainer ect.

Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 1972-1976

Some of the Guiders of the Durban North District, back row: Mrs N. Kerr (District commissioner, North Durban); Mrs. P. Knox(Asst. Dist. Com. N.Durban ;Mrs M. Krantz (Brownie Guide for 1st Virginia Pack; Mrs .V. Thornton (Guide Guider for the 3rd D.N  company).


'Igeja', small iron digging hoe.


'Isigqiki', Small wooden carved stool.


'Icansi', medium sized reed mat.


'Igeja', small iron hoe.


'Iphinifa', beaded apron with a message on it.

Bronze Bracelet

Small bronze bracelet.

Bronze Bracelet

Small bronze bracelet.

Bronze Necklace

Medium sized bronze necklace.

Bronze Necklace

Large bronze heavy necklace.


16159 records found.