
Thumbnail Title Description
Sydafrika invaderar Angola

Black and white poster. Photograph of a man holding up his arms to show that he has no hands. Small photograph of a tank with soldiers on it.

Soweto Township

Multicoloured poster. Artwork of a map of Soweto. Words of The Freedom Charter around border. Artwork of new South African flag at bottom.

Take care of our kids' future: Make sure they go to school

Multicoloured poster. Black and white photograph of two children at school. Issued by the Aboriginal Medical Service of Western Australia.

Solidarity of the churches with the Filipino people's determined pursuit for justice and freedom

Red, black, cream and grey poster. Artwork of six hands holding on to barbed wire. Church mission in the Philippines. Initials PCPR and PCC-CO at bottom of poster.

Support our Irish sisters in Armargh jail

Black, red, green and white poster. Various photographs, main one of a jail. Stop the Strip Searches Campaign.

Nuclear power it's childs play

Black and white poster. Artwork of a baby in a nappy touching the red hot bar of an electric heater.

Until the lions have their historians the tales of hunting will always glorify the hunter. African proverb

Black and white poster. Quote in title. Artwork of a pyramid of men and books. Bother poster number 85. Produced by Young Oxfam.

New Times '88

Multicoloured poster. Artwork of the earth from outer space. Artwork of copies of New Times, a Soviet Weekly, in different languages. 1988 calendar.

On sel chimen lendepandans!

Multicoloured poster. Artwork of a flag. Artwork of hands clawing at islands. Initials U.P.L.G. Guadeloupe Liberation movement, Central America. Independence.


Artwork of an airmail envelope, stamped with the word "Palestine", return to sender, no such address. United Nations stamp on it.

Resist AG 23 and intimidation.

Black and white poster with gree, red and blue border. Artwork of a black man with a gag over his mouth with letters AG 23 on it and a plaster over his eye. SWAPO Namibia election poster.

Socialist Worker student society: Solidarity will win

Black, red and yellow poster. Photograph of women, wearing T-Shirts, with words "Mardy Pit Wives, fight pit closures" and a Welsh dragon. Advertisement for Socialist Worker newspaper.

Nicaragua necesita tecnicos

Multicoloured poster. Artwork of a man and a woman reading books. Four circles representing four different occupations. Ministry of Education, program of education for adults poster. Ministry of Education logo.

Integrate a los CEP

Multicoloured poster. Artwork of adults going to night school. Ministerio de Educacion Logo. Adult education program Nicaragua.

Socialist worker: Victory to the miners: Solidarity will win!

Newspaper placard for Socialist Worker. Issued by P and P Socialist Workers Party, London.


Black and white poster. Artwork of an African woman. Poem by Abduraghiem Johnstone.

Fight for us in your land

Red, orange, black and grey poster. Words "Fight for us in your land for we in ours shall go on fighting for you and all people". Old fashioned photograph of men and a boy walking.


Red, blue and white poster. Artwork of a writing book, with names of South African prime ministers on it, with a page being ripped off. "Kommunikatie Apparatuur voor ANC en SWAPO." Fundraising poster.

Hotel and Catering Workers: Know your rights

Cream, orange, blue, black and white poster. Artwork of a woman emptying large pots. Recruitment poster. International Workers Branch, Transport and General Workers Union poster.

No to imperialist intervention in Grenada

Black and white poster. Photograph of American troops storming a beach.


3485 records found.