
Thumbnail Title Description
Artwork of African people

Multicoloured artwork of African people, making up a map of Africa.

Artwork of a man with handcuffs broken

Black, white, orange, red and yellow poster. Artwork of an African man reaching towards the sun, breaking his handcuffs. Name - Werner - in bottom right hand corner.

Black and white artwork of people bound with barbed wire

Black and white artwork of a group of African people bound with barbed wire.

Schlub mit der atomaren Zusammenarbeit BRD-Sudafrika

Green, gold, black and white poster. Artwork of a map of Africa. Black and white image of people protesting at the southern tip of Africa. Artwork of a rocket coming down to South Africa with words 'made in Germany, and a large A' on it.

Palayain!!: MGA detenidong manggagawa

Dark and light grey and red poster. Artwork of a man behind bars. Free all political prisoner's poster. List of men in detention. Issued by Free Worker Detainees Committee.

Moderniser n'est pas casser

Multicoloured poster. Issued by CGT and Federation des Cheminots.

Sydafrika - ett hot mot varldsfreden

Red, black and yellow poster. Boycott South Africa campaign. Artwork of an atom bomb. Issued in Sweden.

Une bonne application des 35th

Multicoloured poster. Issued by CGT and Federation des Cheminots.

Trotz alledem Afrika lebt

Brown, grey and black poster. Artwork of two men hanging on a dollar sign. Issued in Frankfurt, Germany.

Apartheidsoldat pa post i Namibia

Black, grey and white poster. Photograph of a soldier on duty with a rifle outside a shopping centre. Issued by the Isolera Sydafrika Kommitten.

Kop inte Sydafrikanska varor!

Black, white and grey poster. Artwork of a man holding a trowel and a tin of South African fruit, building a wall of South African tinned and fresh fruit.

Kop inte Sydafrikanska varor

Black and white poster with a red cross across the centre. Artwork of fresh and tinned fruit from South Africa.

Sandino vive

Multicoloured poster. Artwork of a man with a hat and a red scarf. OSPAAAL Logo. Nicaragua.

Foreign debt

Multicoloured poster. Artwork of a man hanging on a dollar sign with initials FMI and IMF on it. OSPAAAL Logo. Title in three languages.


Green, brown, white and black poster. Artwork of people working in a factory. Issued by the Kommunistika Partiet. Number 16 in bottom left hand corner. Name - Egil Malmsten in bottom right hand corner.

Enhets Front

Red, white and black poster. Artwork of men marching with hammers. Kommunistika Partiet. Number 9 in bottom left hand corner. "Affisch 1937" in bottom right hand corner.

Multicoloured poster of miltary attack on people waving red flags.

Multicoloured poster. Artwork of soldiers attacking a line of people waving red flags, in the countryside. Number 5 "Arkebuseringen" in bottom left hand corner. "Albin Amelin" in bottom right hand corner.

Workers of the world

Black, red and white poster. Artwork of a red circle in centre containing a man and a woman worker standing back to back. Advertisement for books on workers' struggles in other countries. ILRIG logo.

Black and white poster

Black and white artwork of people going under an arch with two tall towers in the background. Crowds of people watching the procession. Number 4 - Demonstrationstaget pa Kungsgatan - in bottom left hand corner. Hjalmar Pettersson on bottom right hand corner. Drawing dated 1927.

Take care of our kids: Keep them well: Health workers can help

Multicoloured poster. Black and white photograph of a female nurse with two children. Issued by the Aboriginal Medical Service of Western Australia.


3485 records found.