
Thumbnail Title Description
Boycott South African Cape and Outspan

White, black and red poster. Artwork of a head in the shape of a half eaten apple. Poster issued by Irish Anti Apartheid Movement. Cape fruit logo.

Offnet die kerker

Gold, black and white poster. Artwork of a man with his fist raised, behind a barbed wire fence.

Defendamos la revolucion controlemos al somocismo

Brown, black and cream poster. Artwork of a fist coming down. Initials - C.D.S. Comites de Defensa Sandinista.

la patria la revolucion

Red, orange, black and white poster. Artwork of a setting sun behind factories in the background. Initials F.S.L.N. Artwork of hands raised with guns and spades. Nicaragua, Central America.


Multicoloured poster. Artwork of a hand holding a gun on top of pyramids of sand. Quote by A. Sandino. Nicaragua poster.

Freiheit fur Namibia

Red, blue, green, black and white poster. Solidarity with SWAPO poster. Artwork of thousands of people fighting. Artwork of map of Africa with Namibia in black and a rising sun.

Alfabetizacion es liberacion


Impeach Reagan

Yellow background, black lettering. Call for impeachment of Ronald Reagan, President of the United States.

No to Israeli concentration camps

Sepia, green, red, black and white poster. Sepia photograph of blindfolded prisoners with heads down being marched across a brick wall. Soldiers and a tank in photograph. Palestine Solidarity Campaign.

Withdraw executive: Obasanjo Labour Bill

Dark blue poster with title in white letters. COSATU logo top left and bottom right in white.

A healthy workplace: means a healthy future for women, men and children

Yellow, gold, red, black and white poster. Issued by Workplace Information Group. Artwork of scenes from various industries.

70th birthday greetings Nelson Mandela

Yellow background, green lettering. Black and white photograph of a young Nelson and Winnie Mandela. ANC logo. Issued in London. Birthday greetings to Nelson Mandela.

Anti-Apartheid Movement says: solidarity with ANC

Black and white poster. Anti-Apartheid Movement, London, campaign for solidarity with the ANC, and their logo.

Tell de Klerk: stop the violence and repression

Black, white and pink poster. Photograph of soldiers and a tank and a person lying dead on the floor during the emergency campaign. Organised by the Anti-apartheid Movement.

Amandla Cultural Group

Brown, cream and yellow poster. Artwork of an African, dancing with a spear and shield. Photograph of people protesting in the background. Notice of a concert. Issued by the Komitee Zuidelijk Afrika, Amsterdam.

ANC Sydafrika 75 ar 1912-1987

Yellow, black and green poster. Artwork of group of people protesting. Poster issued in Sweden celebrating 75 years of ANC from 1912 - 1987.


Brown, orange and cream poster. Coloured photograph of children at school. Solidarity in education poster.

African National Congress (S.A.)

Black and white poster. Photograph of small children. ANC logo.

African National Congress (of South Africa)

Black, green, yellow and white French poster. Photographs of scenes of South Africa. ANC logo. Lutter Produire Apprendre logo.

Opening our minds: opening our hearts: opening our mouths

Green, red, yellow, black and white poster. ANC Women's League action against AIDS, poster. AIDS logo. ANC logo.


3485 records found.