
Thumbnail Title Description
Future tense

Cream, pink and black poster. Artwork of a rocket. Artwork of people, trres and cats. Advertisement for a video tape directed by J ten Brink and Liz Allen and produced by Moonshine Community Arts.

Organise against the National Front: Don't let racism divide us

Red, black and white poster. Artwork of women protesting. Female symbol at bottom right hand corner with raised fist in centre.

Artwork of map of Africa

Brown, orange, red, black and white poster. Artwork of map of Africa with a soldier, a farmer and a woman with a baby on it. Russian writing.

Britain must not avoid her responsibilty in Palestine

Black, red and white poster. Short history of British involvement in Palestine. Issued by the London Office of the Palestine Liberation Organisation.

Printing is easy at Paddington Printshop

Multicoloured poster. Advertisement for Paddington Workshop. Maryland Community Assoc. invite you to print your own poster.

Geef de bond een jong gezicht!

Brown, cream, grey and white poster. Black and white photograph of a girl. Brown and cream photographs of same girl all around poster.

My messsage to the women of our nation

Gold, black and white poster with border with newspaper clippings. Photograph of Margaret Thatcher with word "Tough" coming out of her mouth.


Black and white poster. Artwork of a dinosaur with a clown collar and a dunce hat on his head, with word "apartheid" on it.

Act now to save Islington's youth clubs

Black, yellow, gold and white poster. Artwork of young children, city in the background, desert in between. Campaign to save youth clubs.


Red and orange poster with an image of a girl in silhouette and the face of a man in a hat. "Steun de wederopbouw van Nicaragua: Giro 3580163". By Nicaragua Committee, designed by Karel Kuitenbrouwer.

Kathe Kollwitz: Graphics: Posters: Drawings

Light brown and black poster. Advertisement for a book by Kathe Kollwitz of graphics, posters and drawings. Charcoal artwork of a head.

Solidaritet med Chiles Arbetare!

Black, white and red poster. Various black and white artwork. Chilekommitten poster.


Grey, black and white poster. Title. Artwork of a soldier with a rifle with a bloodied bayonet. OSPAAAL logo.

Che Maestro de la Guerra

Multicoloured poster. Quote from Fidel Castro and Che Guevarra. Artwork of Che. Artwork of war scenes. Poster number 2.

Che Comandante Amigo

Multicoloured poster. Quotes from Che and Fidel. Artwork of soldiers. Poster number 4.

Che Forjador del futuro

Multicoloured poster. Artwork of soldiers. Quotes from Fidel and Che. Poster number 3.

The Shopsteward: Volume 1.3: Oct/Nov 1992

Multicoloured poster. Advertisement for The Shopsteward magazine. List of contents. Photograph of the comrade magistrate of Qwa-Qwa. COSATU Logo. Interview with Godfrey Oliphant.

Hasta la Victoria Siempre

Multicoloured poster. Quote from Fidel Castro. Sketch of a man (Che Guevara?). Poster number 5.

Campagna de mobilitazione

Black and white poster with artwork of people hoeing a field. Words 'A sostegno della lotta del popolo Sudafricano'.

Alfa Laval mjolkar Sydafrika

Black and white poster. Artwork of Alfa-Laval milking system attached to a map of South Africa. Issued by ISAK (Isolera Sydafrika Kommitten).


3485 records found.