
Thumbnail Title Description
Zimbabwe: justice delayed is justice denied

Black and white poster. Salute to WOZA women activists, Jenni Williams and Magodonga Mahlangu, photographs of the women.

Stop the tragedy in DRC

Black and white poster. FOCAS poster (Forum des Organisations Congalaises en Afrique du Sud). List of abuses.

ANC shield

Multicoloured poster. ANC logo on white background with red border.

Solidarity with the people of Swaziland

Multicoloured poster. History of oppression in Swaziland under the Mswati regime. Call for a democratically elected National Constitutional Forum. List of demands. Artwork of people carrying a flag.

President Mbeki: health for all

Purple, black and white poster. Issued by the Treatment Action Campaign. Photograph of people protesting against Manto. Words 'Treat and prevent HIV!, fire Manto'.

Ulwazi lungamandla

Multicoloured poster. Photographs of people in libraries. Map of South Africa showing towns where there are Trade Union Libraries and their addresses. Labour Research Project with their logo.

Where are our mothers?

Multicoloured poster. Photograph of a woman carrying a large bag on her head, and carrying a wooden giraffe in one hand and a cane basket in the other. Words 'we fought for our freedom, we can reclaim it'. Zimbabwe flag.

Ma Yihlome Ke Nako

Black and white poster. Artwork of a woman protesting with a spear. Published by the African National Congress.

Free Namibia!: free South Africa!: sanctions now!

Black, red and white poster. Artwork of wrists in handcuffs. Anti-Apartheid Movement, London, campaign.

Stop the tour: boycott apartheid cricket!

Black and white poster. Stop the tour campaign, Anti-Apartheid Movement, United Kingdom. Artwork of policemen beating people.

Apartheid's friends and allies

Campaign for a complete boycott of all trade with South Africa. Black, white and red poster. Various photographs. Anti-Apartheid Movement, United Kingdom campaign.

No apartheid executions: join the campaign!

White poster with pink and black lettering. Artwork of a hangman's noose. SATIS (Southern Africa The Imprisoned Society), poster, c/o Anti-Apartheid Movement, London.

Boycott products of apartheid

Purple, black and white poster. Support poster for women of South Africa and Namibia. Anti-Apartheid Movement, London, poster. Boycott of South African goods.

Reinstate and recognise!

White poster with black lettering. Solidarity with Wilson-Rowntree strikers in South Africa. Anti-apartheid Movement, London.

Nelson Mandela freedom at 70

White poster with pink and black lettering. Notice of a Freedom March on Sunday 17th July 1988. Speakers to include Bishop Desmond Tutu. Finsbury Park Rally at Hyde Park. Organised by Anti-Apartheid Movement, London.

No to Botha!: no to apartheid

White and black poster. Notice of a demonstration on Saturday, June 2nd, at Speaker's Corner, Hyde Park. Photograph of Botha, taking his hat off. Photograph of a man wearing sunglasses. Issued by the Anti-Apartheid Movement in London.

Free the children from apartheid

Black poster with white lettering. Artwork of a child behind wire fence. Issued by The Harare Working Group, c/o SATIS (Southern Africa the Imprisoned Society), London.

David Moise

Black and white poster. Photograph of David Moise, South African freedom fighter. German poster.

They come for me in the morning: they come for you in the evening!

Multicoloured poster. Red border. Photograph of badly beaten legs. Anti Mugabe campaign.

Hoot for a free Zimbabwe!

Red, black, yellow and white poster. Black artwork of the grim reaper. Quote from Martin Luther King jnr. Anti Mugabe poster.


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