
Thumbnail Title Description

Blue, black and white poster. Voedingsbond FNV poster. Artwork of rows of phials with names of various basic commodities underneath.

Take care of our kids: make sure someone is always looking after them

Multicoloured poster. Photograph of an man holding a baby. Aboriginal campaign program in Western Australia.

Geweld eindigt waar liefde begint

White poster with artwork of a red rose held up with barbed wire. Pax Christi Nederland poster.

Support the women's peace camps

Green, red, blue and white poster. Artwork of women protesting.

Automatiseren? Hier staat alles...

White, black, grey and yellow poster. Voedingsbond FNV poster. Artwork of a row of phials.

Kampen gar vidare: Chile kommitten

Red, white, blue and black poster. Issued by Chile Kommitten. Artwork of three people with flag.

Photograph of a man in a wheelchair

Black, white and blue poster. Photograph of a man in a wheelchair holding an umbrella, being pushed by a woman. Voedingsbond FNV logo.

Stod till Argentinska folkets kamp mot diktaturen!

White, black and grey poster. Artwork of a man flying a flag and two other men carrying an injured man. Latin America campaign poster.

Les femmes luttent avec la CGT

Black, white and yellow poster. Photograph of a woman smoking a cigarette. Four languages across the bottom. CGT poster.

Alan Boesak se: ek het my ID

Yellow, green, black and white poster. Photograph of Alan Boesak holding an ID book. ANC logo.

Cartoon image of a rooster

White, black, red and grey poster. Cartoon artwork of a rooster.

Still empty!

White, red and grey poster. Title words 'still empty!' repeated across the poster six times, top words in red, the rest in grey. Large red cross across poster.

SWAPO do not forget Cassinga

Black and white poster. Photograph of children protesting. SWAPO logo.

Palestine: a homeland denied

Artwork of a large white dove of peace, on an orange, black and green background.

Education Charter Campaign

Black, grey and white poster. Photograph of Hector Pieterson as background. List of demands to be included in The Freedom Charter. EdCC recruitment campaign. Issued by EdCC Comm. National Wits.

Vi manskor Nr 1-2, 84

Black and white poster with a little girl wearing a ballet outfit and jumping. Cover of magazine.

Hasta la victoria....

Poster depicting a young Che Guevara with letter behind

Beter uit met een volks-verzeke-ring

Black and white poster. Cartoon image of a man behind a microphone with big teeth, with lots of heads around him with words in balloons. 'Vervoersbond FNV' at bottom of poster.


Yellow, black and white poster. Artwork of a man's head cut in half, with an on/off switch in it. 'Voedingsbond FNV' words at the top.


Multicoloured poster. Oval of rainbow colours, containing artwork of two people, one white, one black, with a red heart in the centre, holding a globe of the earth and standing on a black and white checked globe of the earth.


3485 records found.