
Thumbnail Title Description
Apartheid is rotton to the core

Trocaire poster, Dublin, Ireland. Coloured artwork of a rotten orange with words 'product of South Africa' on it. White poster with black lettering.

Socialist vanstern

White, brown and black poster. Artwork of a worker trying to lever a huge man in a top hat.

Rosta for avrustning!

Black, red and white poster. Artwork of a silo.

Release political detainees and prisoners of conscience

Black and white poster with artwork of two men behind bars.

HIV attacks the body: ignorance attacks us all

Blue, brown, yellow, black and white poster. NPPHCN logo. National Aids Programme poster. Information on wrong ideas about HIV and Aids. Artwork of various people and the wrong ideas of what they know about aids.

Build the health system

Treatment Action Campaign. Black, red and white poster. Photograph of a Gripen fighter jet costing R118 million. Title over artwork of medicine tablets.

Members of parliament have private healthcare including anti-retrovirals

Treatment Action Campaign. Black, red and white poster. Photograph of Dr Manto Shabalala Msimang, Minister of Health. Photo of people marching wearing HIV t-shirts. 4.7 million black people in the public sector are not treated for HIV.

Stod FMLNs Radio Farabundo Marti: El Salvador Revolutionar Radiostation 1

Grey poster. Red and white lines converging in centre with large red knot with words FMLN on it. White lettering. Central American poster. SAMCA poster.

Wij steunen het volk van El Salvador

Purple poster with white lettering and artwork. Artwork of a worker on a cross made of a spade and a fork.

Boykot apartheid

White poster with black and white of a hand holding a tin of spray paint, spraying the title in red paint.

Where are their graves in Soweto

White poster with charcoal title and drawings of two people. Very small touches of red on heads.


Black and white cartoon drawing. No title. Artwork of a black man sitting at a table, holding a microphone, plugged into a radio. Cat underneath the table.


White, grey and pink poster. Black and white photograph of three people, two white one black. CGT poster.

Un meilleur salaire

CGT poster. Red, blue, yellow, black and white poster. Par l'action CGT. Federation des Cheminots logo.

Concerning hopes

Black and white poster regarding Palestine. Poem entitled "Gone are those we love" by Fadwa Tuqan. Artwork of a masked head and a hand holding a scythe by Palestinian artist Kamal Boullata. Issued by League of Arab States, London Office.


Multicoloured artwork of a woman carrying fruit in an orchard. Words 'Souleiman Mansour' and "Palastina" at bottom.

Britain's nuclear threat

Black and white poster. Photograph of Margaret Thatcher.

Prevent street crime

Black and white poster. Photograph of a woman walking with a small child, carrying a shopping basket, another woman (Maggie Thatcher) behind her taking a purse out of the shopping basket.

Amsterdam never

Blue background, title in black letters. White artwork of doves across top. Coloured Olympic Games circles with a black bomb across them. Red stick figures falling underneath. Words "Cine panem et non circenses".

Chile: i don't take your name in vain

Black poster with white lettering. Chile Committee for Human Rights poster. Notice of a documentary film organised in London. Artwork of two people holding up a soldier.


3485 records found.