
Thumbnail Title Description
Trocaire tackles the causes

Red, white and black poster. Photograph of a man sitting on parched earth with a pick. Map of Africa showing crisis areas. Issued by the Catholic Agency for World Development.

Nicaragua must survive!: FSLN

Red, black, grey and brown poster. Artwork of a man with a large hat holding a rifle - word Sandino across him. Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign poster.

Nicaragua must survive: container appeal

Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign poster. Light and dark blue, black and white poster. Artwork of a container ship and a crane with a container. Three black and white photographs.

Peace and freedom for Chile

Grey, blue, black, white, red and yellow poster. Chile Committee for Human Rights poster. Artwork of flowers and doves, crosses and aeroplanes.

All coeur couleurs egalite: luttons ensemble CGT

Black background with white lettering. Oval shape in centre with rainbow colours around it. Artwork of two figures, black and white, with a heart in the middle, holding up one world globe with two hands held across it and standing on another chequered world globe.

No closure of western hospital

Red, black and white poster. Red artwork of a map of Britain with a white outline of a heart containing words 'National Health Service'. Artwork of a black scissors cutting across map and words - 'cutting the heart out of Britain.

Wanted for apartheid crimes

Red poster with black lettering. Black and white photograph of General Stoffel van der Westhuizen. Poster issued by the SACP and contains their logo.

Defend your organisation: hands off COSATU

COSATU poster and logo. Black, white and red poster. Photograph of a man protesting with fist raised, and a photograph of a man lying dead on the floor.

Vote ANC for free quality education

Black, yellow, green and white ANC election poster. ANC logo.

A celebration for change

Red and yellow poster. Photograph of black women dancing at Notting Hill Carnival, in the United Kingdom, by M. Rusher, I.F.L. poem by Nefertiti Gayle. Poster by See Red Womens Workshop.

African study group 5

Red, black and white poster. Identical top and bottom. Two photographs of Agostinho Neto - 1922-1979. Artwork of two maps of Africa. Focus on the state.

Vote Patriotic Front (ZAPU): unity and peace

Red, yellow, black and green poster. Patriotic Front (ZAPU) election poster. Artwork of a woman soldier with a baby on her back, a male soldier and some brick walls.

Suspicious?: buzz the fuzz

Cream, black and red poster. Cartoon character Andy Capp, smoking a cigarette, with a question mark in a balloon over his head, looking at a suspicious red parcel.

Hamba kahle Comrade Jabu

Multicoloured poster. Artwork of Comrade Jabu, wearing a NUMSA t-shirt.

Nuestra tierra: nuestra revolucion

Yellow top and orange bottom with black and red lettering. Multicoloured artwork of people working in the fields and a tractor ploughing. INRA logo. Instituto Nicaraguensa de Reforma Agraria.

Antes de votar fijese

Cream poster with blue lettering and artwork. Voter education poster. Eight steps for voting shown in blocks around a flag in the centre, possibly Cuban.

Union bashers

Yellow, black and white poster. Artwork of a man underneath a huge tyre with a Dunlop logo on it.

Their party

Yellow and white background. Black and yellow lettering. Words at bottom 'Sun Design', TIWI Designs, Bathurst Island.

Wont take the toys from the boys

Pink, blue and red poster. Women oppose the nuclear threat. London address 5, Caledonian Road, N.1.

Women!: if you need to leave a man for any reason

Pink, red, black and white poster. Artwork of rooftops with television aerials. Women's Aid poster.


3485 records found.