
Thumbnail Title Description
Help DP save EP

Democratic Party election poster for Eastern Province. DP logo.

Higher diploma for planning in developing areas

Light brown and black poster. Photograph of a man building a shack with two children looking on. Issued by the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, Department of Town and Regional Planning. Information regarding diploma in planning in developing areas.

Christian, will you put a child in the picture

African Bursary Fund, S.A.C.C. poster. Cartoon artwork of childrens school clothes.

Freedom is in your hand!

Issued by the ANC Department of Information and Publicity. Green, yellow, black and white poster. Demands of the Freedom Charter. Artwork of a hand casting a vote. ANC logo.

SACTU 30th Anniversary Rally

Red and white poster. Notice of an intended rally. Artwork of two men and a woman holding a flag.

Awareness, participation and grassroots action for community mental health

White background with black lettering. Coloured artwork in centre of a tree with branches holding different arms of healthcare program. NPPHCN logo. Southern Transvaal Region.

We rule you: we condemn you: we exploit you: we judge you: we jail you: we control you: but we carry you

White and black poster. Artwork of a pyramid of men in command, each layer of men has an opinion. The bottom of the pyramid is a layer of ordinary men, women and children. Printed at CAP.

Soldiers of fortune

Black and white poster. Photograph of township children standing in the sand. Poem by W.H. Auden.

International Union of Foodworkers

White poster with black lettering. Artwork of a green and yellow mielie plant against an outline of South Africa. Unity with other countries foodworkers.

1000s children live on the street: why?

Stamp of Molo Songololo Community House, Salt River. Multicoloured poster. Artwork of children playing and sleeping in the streets.

Joe Slovo: freedom fghter, patriot, visionary

Coloured photograph of Joe Slovo. Title in red and yellow letters. ANC, COSATU and SACP logos.

Women: we fought for the vote: now we must claim our rights
Defend our community against Aids

Yellow, red, black and white poster. Black and white artwork of people campaigning against aids. NPPHCN poster and logo.

No profit from our sorrow

Black poster with title in white letters. Coloured artwork of two women carrying a wooden cross. Treatment Action Campaign. SACP, The AIDS Consortium, Blacksash and AIDS Law Project logos.

Do you want .. food: work: homes?: communists point the way!

Black, red and cream poster. Issued by the Communist Party of South Africa, Cape Town.

Join the Communist Party and smash fascism!

Cream poster with black and red lettering. Issued by the Communist Party of South Africa, Cape Town. Title only.

Crush the fascist reptile!: medical aid for Russia

Grey, black, white, red and green poster. Artwork of a rifle butt hitting a swastika shaped reptile. Artwork of a hammer and sickle.

Join the ANC now!

Gold background with title in black letters. Black border. Green stripe at top and right hand side with yellow lettering. ANC logo.

Phambili ngevoti: phansi ngesibhamu!

Cream poster with red lettering and red artwork of a gun firing a bullet at a hand, and a pencil marking a paper with a cross. Issued by the Ceasefire Campaign.

Would you be more careful if it was you that got pregnant?

Black and white artwork of a pregnant man.Words 'Nothing is impossible' and initials JAC.


3485 records found.