Katesa Schlooser

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Friends of Laduma Madela on Ceza Mountain, Mkhafuleni Khumalo

In the foreground of Mkhafuleni's cattle pen, a decaying tree (with anti-lightning medicine on it); a mill for producing samp from maize. In the centre a large garden belonging to a kraal from the Mhlongo clan, with sweet potatoes and bananas)

Friends of Laduma Madela on Ceza Mountain, Thembani Alexina Dlamini-Khumalo

Thembani, to the left, and the First wife of her brother-in-law Mkhafuleni Khumalo.(Her name was known to Laduma Madela)

Friends of Laduma Madela on Ceza Mountain, Thembani Alexina Dlamini-Khumalo

Thembani, to the left, and the First wife of her brother-in-law Mkhafuleni Khumalo.(Her name was known to Laduma Madela)

Friends of Laduma Madela on Ceza Mountain, Thembani Alexina Dlamini-Khumalo

Thembani from behind. The black shawl has a broad edge from white glass beads. Beneath it she wears a rear apron from black material with a very broad edge of white glass beads.

Friends of Laduma Madela on Ceza Mountain, Thembani Alexina Dlamini-Khumalo

Portrait of Thembani Alexina Dlamini Khumalo. Below the topkot she wears a band white beads with some coloured ornaments, umnqwazi, a token of respect she ows to her in-laws. As F14/4

Friends of Laduma Madela on Ceza Mountain, Thembani Alexina Dlamini-Khumalo

Portrait of Thembani Alexina Dlamini Khumalo. Below the topkot she wears a band white beads with some coloured ornaments, umnqwazi, a token of respect she ows to her in-laws.

Friends of Laduma Madela on Ceza Mountain, Mxoveni Khumalo

We are leaving Mxoveni's wedding in time before rain started. To the left Laduma' favourite wife Ziphelaphi Mhlongo. On her white woolen cap a feather from a guinea fowl demonstrating her being a medicine woman. This feather brings good luck.

Friends of Laduma Madela on Ceza Mountain, Mxoveni Khumalo

During the weeding ceremony bride and bridegroom showed-according to Zulu custom-sad faces. Especially the bride has demonstrate her own sorrow for leaving her family. For the Zionist wedding bride and bridegroom are dressed in a modern way.

Visit to Laduma Madela's kraal in September and October 1979 with a festival on 30th September

Visit to Father Elmar Kimmel, O.S.B. on Nandi Mission from the Benedictine Diocese of Eshowe. Velabengasho and Mbhekeni had announced our arrival at Nandi Mission by blowing the ox horn trumpet made by Laduma (cf. Susa, page 32).

Friends of Laduma Madela on Ceza Mountain, Mbhekeni Mhlongo

Mbhekeni Mhlongo in front of his father Bhidli's cattle kraal. Cf. the corresponding picture of Bhidli F.19/9. Here are seen, to the left, another pair of cattle horns, They are coloured blue, for no special reason.

Friends of Laduma Madela on Ceza Mountain, Mbhekeni Mhlongo

On 8th October 1979 Mbhekeni is kneeling behind Laduma's large dance shield which has a size of a large war shield of the type inkumba. He carries Laduma's battle axe. The ceremonial cloak is Madela's. It is corresponds to the cloak of a traditional war doctor.

Friends of Laduma Madela on Ceza Mountain, Mbhekeni Mhlongo

On the occasion of the wedding of his friend Mxoveni Khumalo, Mbhekeni Mbhekeni Mhlongo impresses the guests with a skin of a mamba snake he wears on his back. Thus he demonstrates that he is an inyanga (medicine man). In his armlet he wears an ostrich feather.

Friends of Laduma Madela on Ceza Mountain, Mbhekeni Mhlongo

Mbhekeni Mhlongo in front of Velabengasho Khumalo's goat kraal. His frontal apron, isinene, is from genet and calf skins, his rear apron, ibheshu, from calf skin. On his left ankle he wears a bead ornament.

Friends of Laduma Madela on Ceza Mountain, Mbhekeni Mhlongo

Portrait of Mbhekeni.(see the whole figure: F10/10.) Mbhekeni in Velabengasho's kraal. In his umqhele (head band) from leorpard skin are two crane feathers, one of them dyed red.

Friends of Laduma Madela on Ceza Mountain, Bhidli Mhlongo

Bhidli drinks out of a beer pot, ukhamba.- On the door of his hut is a black cross as a protection against lightning.

Friends of Laduma Madela on Ceza Mountain, Bhidli Mhlongo

Bhidli has put part of the meat on an enamel plate, to the left, and continues to cut the meat which is on the meat tray.

Friends of Laduma Madela on Ceza Mountain, Bhidli Mhlongo

Bhidli points at his "bones" consisting of different materials, e.g. ankle bones and epiphyses, shells, stones, money etc.

Friends of Laduma Madela on Ceza Mountain, Bhidli Mhlongo

Bhidli has removed the upper meat tray and cuts the meat. On Bhidli's hips are his side tails,izinjong, seen.

Friends of Laduma Madela on Ceza Mountain, Bhidli Mhlongo

Laduma Madela in Bhidli's private hut. In front of him a meat tray with part of the boiled goar's meat covered with another, smaller meat tray. Madela in one of the typical Zulu men's sitting positions.

Friends of Laduma Madela on Ceza Mountain, Bhidli Mhlongo

Bhidli, Laduma and Eric Khwela eat from the goat's liver from the meat tray on which there is also coarse white salt, into which the pieces of the liver were dipped.Bhidli wers in the middle of his headring the head skin of  a cata (which one?) and behind it two red Lourie feathers.


281 records found.