Katesa Schlooser

Thumbnail Title Description
Friends of Laduma Madela on Ceza Mountain, Bhidli Mhlongo

Madela strikes with a stone as a hammer on a butcher's knife in order to cut off the epiphysis from the metatarsus of a hind foot which is placed on a large stone

Friends of Laduma Madela on Ceza Mountain, Bhidli Mhlongo

On the meat tray at the  metatarsia of the forefeet of the goat are the epiphyses visible but still in situ. At the longer metatarsia of the hind feet are the epiphyses visible in situ. The ankle bones (astralagi) have been placed next to the upper end of the metatarsia.

Friends of Laduma Madela on Ceza Mountain, Bhidli Mhlongo

The two ankle bones have been placed on the meat tray while Madela continues to work. His neck-band is from leopard skin. The Creator, Mvelinqangi, had told him to wear it. His necklaces are better seen on F19/20.

Friends of Laduma Madela on Ceza Mountain, Bhidli Mhlongo

With a pocket knife Madela cuts off those bones of the joints of the metatarsia which are used for dividing as dices (amathambo "bones).

Friends of Laduma Madela on Ceza Mountain, Bhidli Mhlongo

On a meat tray there are two longer hind feet and two shorter forefeet of the goat F.18/23 as well as wristlet, "isiphandla". Madela has cut it from the skin on the forehead of the goat. With this wristlet Bhidli honoured later on the author.

Friends of Laduma Madela on Ceza Mountain, Bhidli Mhlongo

The plants protecting Bhidli's cattle kraal/pen. To the right the flowering cactus, imbuna (in no dictionary). To the left an orchid, imfe yenkawu, elophia.. Bhidli "if you want to send a dream to someone you have to mix imfe yenkawu with other medicines.

Friend of Laduma Madela on Ceza Mountain, Bhidli Mhlongo

Bhidli in front of his cattle pen. In order to honour his ancestors. Bhidli nailed the horns of cattle and goats to some posts of his cattle pen. The cactus, imbuna, and other plants are preventing the witshes (abathakathi) to do mischief in the cattle pen.

Friends of Laduma Madela on Ceza Mountain, Bhidli Mhlongo

Thanking me for large colour poster Bhidli slaughtered a goat in my honour, bringing me thus in contact with his ancestor spirits. He did it in the same way as Velabengasho (see the album "Velabengasho Khumalo").

On the way: View towards the top of Ceza Mountain. The Zulu are working on their fields.

On the way: View towards the top of Ceza Mountain. The Zulu are working on their fields.

Friends of Laduma Madela on Ceza Mountain, Ziphelaphi and Bafungile Madela

Bhidli's granary, Ziphelaphi left and Bafungile Khumalo-Madela, Laduma's wife (right). Bafungile (at that time about 66 years old), wears a neklace from the cones of Casuarina equisetifolia (Casuarinaceae).

Friends of Laduma Madela on Ceza Mountain, Bhidli Mhlongo

On the way from Laduma Madela's kraal to Bhidli's kraal. From left to right: Ziphelaphi Mhlongo, Laduma Madela, Eric Khwela as interpreter. Ziphelaphi and eric Khwela carry my outfit.

Friends of Laduma Madela on Ceza Mountain, Bhidli Mhlongo

Friends of Laduma Madela on Ceza Mountain, Bhidli Mhlongo, in Velabengasho Khumalo' kraal. He wears Velabengasho's dance crown from the winter feather of "isakabula", the long-tailed-bird, diatropure progne prons (Roberts, no.118).

Visit to Laduma Madela's kraal in March and April 1979

A son of Susa "giyas" with knobkerrie in his left hand and a knobkerrie, a shield and the spear from F17/17 in his right hand.

Visit to Laduma Madela's kraal in March and April 1979

Same situation as F17/3, F17/6, F17/17. Susa performing war dance= ukugiya) with shield and knobkerries.

Visit to Laduma Madela's kraal in March and April 1979

Same situation as F17/3 and F17/6.

Visit to Laduma Madela's kraal in March and April 1979

Same situation as F.17/3. From left to right: Mbabazeni's daughter Nqahile, Totoyi, Suasa, a son of Susa, Susa' s son in law Maqhubandaba Mbatha, Mashingeni Khumalo.

Visit to Laduma Madela's kraal in March and April 1979

In Bafungile's house. On the last day of the author's stay in April 1979 the Madelas and Ziphelapi thanked the author for the flight and honoured her with beer, utshwal, and dances. From left to right: Ziphelaphi, Susa' wife Totoyi and Susa(drinking). Cf. "Susa", plate 22 bottom and p.51

Visit to Laduma Madela's kraal in March and April 1979

Laduma sits on Bafungile's bed in front of "Zauberei im Zululand" and Die Bantubibel des Blitzzauberers Laduma Madela" and many albums with photos by the author in his kraal. He wears a necklace of roughly made wooden beads (made by himself).

Visit to Laduma Madela's kraal in March and April 1979

Near Laduma's kraal; Isaak Khwela (son of the Lutheran Pastor Leonard Khwela at ceza) with the tinder plant "Helichrysum aureonitens".

Visit to Laduma Madela's kraal in March and April 1979

Scenery of Ceza Mountain above Laduma's kraal on the way to the well.


281 records found.