Thumbnail Title Description
Statement on Death of Johannes Ngalo

Statement on Death of Johannes Ngalo, issued by Detainees Support Committee, DPSC and United Democratic Front regarding the death of Johannes Bonakele Ngalo after few hours in police custody.

Press statement on Bisca Marshall plan

Press statement regarding response on Bisca Marshall Plan as they do not believe that the plan is motivated by a genuine concern for the plight of black people in South Africa.

Press statement on the release of the Sharpeville Six

Press statement regarding the release of the Sharpeville Six as they calls on State President to exercise his presidential pregotative to save the lives of the Sharpeville Six who are now facing the death sentence appeal.

Legalized Lawlessness : The public safety amendment bill

Statement regarding the abolition of pass laws in attempt to find a peaceful solution to the country's problems.

Statement by Legal organisations on the Public Safety Bill and the Internal Security Bill

Statement by Legal organisations on the Public Safety Bill and the Internal Security Bill

Message of symphathy and solidarity to the families of comrades that were murdered and the organisations of which they were active members.

Message of symphathy and solidarity to the families of comrades that were murdered and the organisations of which they were active members.

Statement on Le Grange's Bill

Statement on Le Grange's Bill as the government loses control daily and its attemps to retain power become increasingly desperate.

Press statement on stop hanging of Meilies and Jantjies.

Press statement regarding the hanging of Meilies and Jantjies as United Democratic Front calls on all peace-loving South Africans and the international community to demand government to stop hangings of Wellington Mielies and Moses Jantjies.

United Democratic Front condemns South African Government intervention in Angola.

Press statement about South African Government intervention in Angola.

New year message of the United Democratic Front: December 1987

Press release from the United Democratic Front with a new year message in which the United Democratic Front salutes courage bravery and determination of the victims of apartheid and those still struggling for a democratic, non-racial and unitary South Africa.

United Democratic Front challenges PW Botha on opening of parliament

United Democratic Front challenges PW Botha on opening of parliament

Message to the people in Bophuthatswana and other Bantustans from the United Democratic Front

Press statement calling on all the people who are trapped inside bantustans to unite and participate actively to end the circus shows staged by the bantustan chiefs and their armed gangs.

United Democratic Front protests banning

Press statement regarding the United Democratic Front protesting the banning and restricting of activities of their open and peaceful organisations.

Five years of the United Democratic Front

Public statement for the United Democratic Front from 20 August 1983 to 20 August 1988 regarding its achievements over the five years.

Statement by Mass Democratic Movement on Winnie Mandela

Statement made by the Mass Democratic Movement on Winnie Mandela at the press conference which was called after the culminating of community meetings in Soweto and throughout the country.

Press statement

Press statement where Valli Moosa welcomed the return of Rev Frank Chikane and how he has been a subject of detention without trial and assassination.

Statement by Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Taro Nakayama

Statement by Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Taro Nakayama regarding the election of the new State President in South Africa

Releases a victory for the people

Statement by Congress of South African Trade Unions and the United Democratic Front on behalf of the Mass Democratic Movement regarding their release which is also a victory for the international solidarity movement.

The Okanangan statement on Southern Africa and programme of action

The Okanangan statement on Southern Africa and programme of action.

United Democratic Front comment on the proposed National Council Bill

Press statement regarding United Democratic Front comment on the proposed National Council bill.


296 records found.