Thumbnail Title Description
Statement of the United Democratic Front in response to President De Klerk's opening of parliament speech on February 1st 1991

Statement of the United Democratic Front in response to President De Klerk's opening of parliament speech on February 1st 1991

Statement released after discussions between the deputy minister of Planning

Statement released after discussions between the deputy minister of Planning Mr Andre Fourie and a United Democratic Front's delegation led by Mr P Molefi regarding buycott of rent and service charges.

Statement by education organisations on the Public Safety Bill and the Internal Security Bill

Statement by education organisations on the Public Safety Bill and the Internal Security Bill

Statement by rural organisations

Statement by rural organisations as they attack Le Grange's law because it will be used to stop meeting of the youth, teargas, sjambok, kill people, detain people for no apparent reason, shoot people at random and strengthen apartheid.

Statement by business leaders

Statement by business leaders regarding the thought that the state had sufficient powers in the vast array of existing draconian security legislation to cope.

Proposed joint statement on: call for national unity against apartheid and the emergency

Statement regarding proposed joint statement on call for national unity against apartheid and the emergency as the state of emergency seeks to destroy the democratic organisations and thereby attempting to halt march to freedom

Statement of the United Democratic Front General Secretary to the AGM

Statement of the United Democratic Front General Secretary to the AGM of the South African Health Workers Congress held on the 1st of July in Durban.

Detention of United Democratic Front's activists

The UDF totally condemns the detention of more than thirty (30) campaigners against apartheid in Natal, the Eastern Cape, the Transvaal and Oudtshoorn. We demand the immediate release of all these activists and the cessation of these acts of terror.

Statement of the United Democratic Front National General Council

Statement of the National General Council meeting held on the 5th to 7th April 1985 where more than 300 delegates attended the meeting in Azaadville.

United Democratic Front statement on foreign investment in South Africa

United Democratic Front statement on foreign investment in South Africa

Statement on AZAPO: United Democratic Front conflict

Statement on AZAPO regarding United Democratic Front conflict.

National press statement

National press statement by Murphy Morobe of the United Democratic Front where they condemn the latest incursion by the SADF into Botswana.

Statement by Social Welfare organisations

Statement by Social Welfare organisations regarding concerned social workers group as they opposed to the proposed Amendments to the Internal Security Act and the Public Safety Act

Statement by community organisations

Statement by community organisations as they think that government loses control daily and its attempts to retain power become increasingly desperate.

Statement by trade union organisations

Statement by trade union organisations as they warns the government that if it passes Le Grange's Bill it will be declaring war on Congress of South African Trade Union and all democratic organisations

Statement by Terror Lekota

Statement by the United Democratic Front announcing that Comrade Nelson Mandela visit to Qwaqwa has been unilaterally cancelled by Chief Minister Mopeli and his cabinet.

United Democratic Front/African National Congress/COSATU press statement

Press statement issued by the United Democratic Front, African National Congress and Congress of South African Trade Unions regarding the township's violence which started on July 22 1990.

Statement on the assasination of David Webster

Statement on the view of the assasination of Comrade Webster as part of the ongoing attempt to crush the freedom movement in the country.

Call for peace

Statement calling for peace as the past years was characterised by the most brutal violence unleashed agaisnt people as all peace-loving South Africans are still deeply touched by the carnage that gripped the country.

Why Management Committees should be totally rejected

Statement on why Management Committees should be totally rejected, Management committees are footless as government created bodies who have the final say in vital issues.


296 records found.