Thumbnail Title Description
Repression monitoring portfolio report for the Regional council and Advice Office Committee: Report Presented at the Black Sash National Conference 1994

Repression Monitoring Portfolio Report: Report Presented at the Black Sash National Conference on 30 July 1994 discussing regional monitoring of elections, monitoring mobile ID units, distribution of voting booklet, involvement with other election observing groups, the way ahead, voter education.

Statement presented to the five Western Powers Talks in New York by the delegation of the Namibia Patriotic Coalition

A document containing proposals by the Namibia Patriotic Coalition and presented to the Five Western Powers Contact Group for stregthening the cause of peaceful constitutional transition to independence for Namibia.

CC Resolution on Elections

Resolutions of the Central Committee of the South African Communist Party on elections, on Angola, and on negotiations. Supports a single ANC electoral list and commits to ensure an ANC elections victory.

The General Election
Intelligence Report about SWAPO in Ovamboland
General political situation East Rand Report

Report from African National Congress East Rand underground and covers Westville Youth League, civics organisation and August 1984 elections.

Visit of His Excellency Javier Perez de Cuellar, Secretary-General of the United Nations, to South West Africa/Namibia: 25-26 August 1983

Report on the visit of the Secreatry-General of the United Nations to South Africa to discuss the independence of Namibia/South West Africa.

The Black Sash National Headquarters report 1973 to 1975

The Black Sash National Headquarters report for National Conference presented on 10 October 1975, discussing: General Elections, Campaign on African Women, Migrant Labour, Program for Social Change, public relations.

Chilling Victory
Editorial: Any Hope?
A Reply to Christopher Merrett on "That Election"
Editorial: A State of Confusion
Editorial: Universal Suffrage in an Undivided South Africa
Editorial: Red Herring
An Analysis of the Crisis Facing Us All
Is the 'ond of ideology' nigh?
The Silent Millions
Editorial: The White Election


369 records found.