Thumbnail Title Description
Nigeria: the road begins

Editorial about the bloody rioting and ever-rising death toll in Nigeria after the Western Region elections in October 1965.

The New African: Volume 4, Number 2, April 1965
Malawi will make independence work

Nyasaland became Malawi on 6 July 1964. On that day Dr Banda put into operation the revised Five Year plan based on that of the late Dunduza K Chisiza.

Reconstruction begins

Zambian elections.

Northern Rhodesia elections: the widening breach

The general election that took place in Northern Rhodesia in October brought to light two main facts above all others.

The New African: Volume 1, Number 12, December 1962
Editorial: The Election
White Politics: a post-election assessment
Editorial: That Election
Editorial: Rand Daily Mail
Dark Thoughts
The 1974 Election - Some Personal Reflections
Notes Jotted Down During the Whites-Only Election
Editorial: Advice to White South Africans
Chapter eighteen: Namibia
That Owambo election
Community councils: control and co-option
Cuba's tears
We know who, but we don`t know how
More great participation debates


369 records found.