Thumbnail Title Description
Statement of the National Executive Committee of the African National Congress

Statement by the National Executive Committee of the ANC on the situation in South Africa and the conduct of armed struggle in South Africa in the past six months. Concern expressed over the spate of attacks on civilians.

African National Congress (South Africa) condemns the assassination of Comrade Joe Gqabi

Press statement by the ANC National Executive Committee condemning the assassination of Comrade Joe Gqabi.

Statement of the National Executive Committee of the African National Congress of South Africa on the victory of the patriotic forces in Zimbabwe

Statement by Alfred Nzo, ANC National Executive Committee Secretary General on the victory of the Patriotic forces in Zimbabwe.

Forward to a People's Government

African National Congress response to P W Botha's announcement that he would summon a conference representative of all races to deliberate about matters affecting South Africa.

Statement of the African National Congress of South Africa on the recent Black Labour Reforms Commissions in fascist South Africa

Statement of the African National Congress of South Africa on the recent Black Labour Reforms Commissions in Fascist South Africa, signed by Alfred Nzo, ANC Secretary General. Examines the Wiehahn and Riekert Commissions on labour legislation.

Statement of a joint meeting of the National Executive Council and the RC of the ANC (SA) held in Luanda on 27th December 1978 to 1st January 1979

Statement of the African National Congress National Executive Committee on a visit to Vietnam to discuss the revolutionary experience of the Vietnam people and to draw on their experience for the South African struggle.

Statement of the National Executive Committee of the African National Congress on the occasion of the 70th Anniversary of the formation of the African National Congress

Statement of the National Executive Committee of the African National Congress on the occasion ofthe 70th Anniversary of the formation of the African National Congress. Looks back over seven decades of struggle by the ANC for liberation of South Africa.

The President's Council

Statement by the ANC Regional Command Headquarters on P W Botha's plan for a new constitution. Points out that the plan totally excludes the African majority.

A brief account of what happened during the criminal South Africa invasion against Lesotho

Statement by the African National Congress on the Matola Raid in Lesotho, a South African Government attack where over 40 people were murdered.

Programme of action for the ANC

Programme of action for the ANC. Lists upcoming campaigns: Violence, Constituent Assembly, Land and Housing, Building organs of people's power, Gangsterism, Living Wage, Privatisation and Labour Issues. Looks at structure of the campaigns.

Negotiations: a strategic perspective

Statement by the African National Congress on negotiations as adopted by the National Executive Committee on 25 November 1992.

Statement on Credentials

African National Congress Credentials Committee Statement on Credentials to be read with reference to the Official Status Position of Delegates to the Conference, at the ANC National Conference in Durban, July 2-6, 1991.

Statement to the ANC Conference from political prisoners in Pretoria local prison

Statement to the ANC National Conference in Durban, 2-6 July 1991, from political prisoners in Pretoria local prison, stating that two months has passed since the deadline for the release of political prisoners.

Press statement of the National Executive Committee of the African National Congress

Press statement of the National Executive Committee of the African National Congress reporting on a meeting held in Lusaka, Zambia, in March 1990, regarding the situation since the release of Nelson Mandela. Calls for other political prisoners to be released.

Statement of the National Executive Committee of the African National Congress

Statement of the National Executive Committee of the African National Congress, reporting back on a meeting held in Lusaka, Zambia, in February 1990 regarding F W de Klerk's speech of 2nd February 1990.

Statement of the National Executive Committee of the African National Congress on the occasion of January 8, 1984

Statement of the National Executive Committee of the African National Congress on the occasion of January 8, 1984, marking the organisation's 72nd anniversary.


Statement by Alfred Nzo, Secretary General of the ANC National Executive Committee, on the current situation in South Africa.

African National Congress statement: International Conference of Trade Unions on sanctions and other actions against the apartheid regime in South Africa

African National Congress statement on the International Conference of Trade Unions on Sanctions and other actions against the apartheid regime in South Africa.

Statement by the African National Congress of South Africa on the invasion of Angola by South African troops

Statement by the ANC on the invasion of Angola by South Africa. Signed by Oliver Tambo.

Declaration of the African National Congress (SA) Executive Committee, Morogoro, 17 - 20 March 1975

Declaration of the ANC National Executive Committee in Morogoro, 17-20 March 1975. Calls for the mobilisation of all forces in Africa and world-wide against apartheid.


1271 records found.