Thumbnail Title Description
ANC and its Alliance with the SACP
It's Time to Do a Deal
Editorial: Talking to Maputo
Some Notes on Selby Msimang and the Founding of the ANC
The A.N.C Resurgence 1976-1981
Editorial: Pre-Emptive Strikes
Make Peace
Editorial: Disquieting Secrecy
Danger Point
From Slogans to Substance
South Africa After Mandela
Letters to the Editor
Draft regional political programme

Draft regional political programme for Lusaka.

Conference Programme: Five Freedoms Forum and African National Congress - The role of Whites in a changing society, June 29 - July 2, 1980,

Conference Programme of the Five Freedoms Forum and African National Congress: The role of whites in a changing society, June 29-July 2.

South Africa - towards a post-apartheid economy: a Consultative Seminar, Holiday Inn, Harare, 28 April - 1 May 1990

Programme of seminar organised by the ANC Department of Economics and Planning, Congress of South African Trade Unions and the Economic Trends Group in Harare, 28 April to 1 May 1990. Includes list of participants and papers to be presented.

University of the Western Cape, Special Graduation Ceremony, 25 October 1991

Programme for Oliver Tambo's honorary degree ceremony at the University of the Western Cape, 15 October 1991. Includes the words of the South African national anthem

Memorial Service for Oliver Tambo: Order of service

Order of service for Oliver Tambo's memorial service.

To the working men and women of the world

ANC message to workers of the world on the organisation's 70th Anniversary, requesting support.

Paris sanctions conference hears African National Congress of South Africa

ANC press release regarding a statement by Oliver R Tambo, ANC President, to the International Conference on sanctions against South Africa. States that sanctions should not be seen as a way of reforming apartheid, but rather as a weapon against the apartheid government.

Statement of the African National Congress of South Africa on the occasion of the 26th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union

Edited statement of the African National Congress of South Africa on the occasion of the 26th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.


1271 records found.