Thumbnail Title Description
Dakar Dialogue
One year of an unbanned ANC: the road ahead

State of the nation unauthoured paper assessing the African National Congress one year after it was unbanned.

Report of a meeting with Prof. Willem Kleynhans

Handwritten report of a meeting between representatives of the African National Congress and Professor Willem Kleynhans of the University of South Africa to discuss the professor's concern about the ANC's lack of organisational skills for the process of elections and for becoming a fully fledged

Tasks set for regions from the ANC National Reconstruction and Strategy Conference

Identifies tasks set by the ANC National Conference in Durban, July 1991 and makes recommendations. Includes Human Resources and Training, Executive Structures of Government, Premiers Office, Provincial, Metropolitan and Local Government, and ANC.

Resolution on publicity and information of the NEC meeting

Resolutions of the ANC National Executive Committee on publicity information needs and tasks. Resolved that a massive propaganda and publicity campaign should be launched locally and internationally.

Resolutions on violence

Resolutions of the National Executive Meeting of the African National Congress, 18 and 19 September 1990: Resolution on violence and resolution arising from the Report of the ANC/COSATU National Working Committee on Violence, 20 September 1990.

Draft Resolution on ANC Economic Policy for National Conference

Draft Resolution on ANC Economic Policy, finalised at a National Workshop held by the Department of Economic Policy, 11-12 May 1991, for discussion within the ANC.

ANC National Conference, July 1991, Durban: Adopted resolution MK

Resolution regarding the Umkhonto we Sizwe at the African National Congress Conference in Durban, July 2-6, 1991. Resolves that it will remain in active struggle until the adoption of a democratic constitution.

Draft resolution: Commission on Development, ANC National Conference, Durban, July, 1991

Draft resolution of the Commission on Development at the African National Congress National Conference in Durban, 2-6 July, 1991. Defines development, examines a developmental approach and engaging with progressive development actors.

Draft resolution on strategy and tactics

African National Congress draft resolution on strategy and tactics, agreed at the ANC National Conference in Durban, 2-6 July, 1991.

Recommendations of PMC Commission on FA restructuring

Recommendations of the African National Congress Political Military Committee on Forward Areas restructuring.

Assessment of the current political situation and the way forward

Assessment of the current political situation and the way forward by the African National Congress Political Military Committee. Examines policies and trends of the ruling class, developments in mass struggles, the state of the Mass Democratic Movement, and the way forward.

Problem areas within the Mass Democratic Movement

Report from the African National Congress Political Military Committee on problems within the Mass Democratic Movement, such as factionalism, and conflicts in KTC and Pietermaritzburg.

Record of discussions at the meeting at Dakar between an ANC delegation and a group organised by IDASA

Record of discussions at the meeting at Dakar between an African National Congress delegation and a group organised by IDASA. Report made from notes taken by various people during the meeting.

Analysis of placement figures

African National Congress Education Secretariat's analysis of placement progress.

Report of meeting with HM

Report from H. Makgothi to the African National Congress National Executive Committee on a meeting with Ntatho Motlana, regarding the South African political situation and the South African economy.

Report on Comrade Secretary General's Delegation to Bulgaria

Report on a visit, headed by Alfred Nzo, by the African National Congress, to Bulgaria, to receive the Dimitrov-International Prize Award on behalf of Nelson Mandela, to meet with the Bulgaria National Women's Committee, to sign the Protocol Agreement with the Central Committee of the Bulgarian C

Report of meeting between President of the ANC, Oliver Tambo, and the U.S. Secretary of State, George Schultz, State Department, 28 January 1987

Report of meeting between President of the ANC, Oliver Tambo, and the U.S. Secretary of State, George Schultz, regarding apartheid and violence in South Africa. Includes notes for meeting with Mr George Schultz.

Summary notes of a meeting between a South African and a United States delegation: Geneva, 20 April 1986

Report from a meeting between a South African and a United States delegation in which the South African government's position on influx control was discussed, reluctance to negotiate with the ANC and the creation of a National Statutory Council

Meeting between Cosatu/UDF and ANC held in Harare on December 1 - 3, 1988

Report of a meeting between the Congress of South African Trade Unions, the United Democratic Front and the African National Congress in Harare, December 1-3, 1988.


1271 records found.