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Mandela's moment of truth at CODESA

CODESA (Convention for a Democratic South Africa - even the name belies its function) has come to pass; and for the oppressed the only truthful statement made throughout those two days was, unbelievably, that from Nelson Mandela.

African National Congress' betrayal of a nation
A J Lutuli: a great African passes
A great step forward
Editorial notes: Arthur Letele
Wreckers of the Fight against Apartheid: 1:The myth of PAC militancy
A speech to the Presidential Committee Meeting of the World Council of Peace by the representative of the African National Congress, Vienna, 27 September 1963
Editorial notes: Hitting back
Organise, organise, organise
Editorial: Freedom marches nearer!

Amandla-Matla, a newsletter published and distributed underground by the African National Congress, supported and incited revolution against the South African Government.


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