
Thumbnail Title Description
Women fight for freedom

Black and white poster with slash of green and yellow. ANC logo 1912-1987 : 75 years. Quote from Dora Tamana. Photograph of women running across the road with a tank and soldiers in the background. Artwork of a women with a scarf around her face.

Women: march to freedom

Black, white, green and yellow poster. ANC 75 year logo. 1912-1987. Photograph of Winnie Mandela and women protesting.

Women unite in struggle

Black, white, green and yellow poster. Photographs of various women. ANC 75 year logo - 1912-1987.

Russian poster.

Multicoloured artwork of a cross section of a tree.


Orange, black and white calendar for 1987. List of principles and policies of two organisations. List of unions affiliated to CUSA/AZACTU. List of Offices. Artwork of people protesting.

Upbeat: a history of education in South Africa

Multicoloured calendar for 1987. Upbeat is a magazine for teenagers, issued by SACHED. History of education in South Africa and a history of Upbeat.

1987 Calendar

Natal Organisation of Women (NOW) Calendar. Black and white photographs of everyday scenes in apartheid South Africa.

People's market

Red, blue and white, with artwork of people in a hot air balloon. Text in white. Words on poster: Help the unemployed.

Publishing under apartheid: fact and fiction: a panel discussion

Black centre with white image of hands reading a book. White border with black lettering. Notice of a panel discussion at Rondebosch Congregational Hall on Thursday 18th December. Arts Festival '86 Logo.

A Woman's Place is in the Struggle Not Behind Bars

A2 silkscreen poster red and black on white; graphic of woman with bars over face; Text: A woman's place is in the struggle not behind bars; original attribution to Detained People's Support Committee; this has Issued by FEDTRAW stuck over name [following banning of DPSC]

National Detainees Day public meeting

A2 litho; red and black on white no image; text: National Detainees Day public meeting March 12, speakers Beyers Naude, Parent, Social worker, child; Free the Children

Russian Revolution 1917-1987: seventieth anniversary

Red, orange in colour poster; with people flying a flag titled: 75th anniversary.

Save The 32: Give Them Freedom For Life

A2 red and black on yellow; graphic hand with spear, noose; text: Save the 32, give them freedom for life; don't let them hang; poster contains list of names of people sentenced to death as of 1987

Long Live UDF

A2 black on white silkscreen; text: Long Live UDF Forward to People's Power

NUM Fights for the Rights of All Workers

A2 poster litho black and white; NUM fights for the rights of all workers: A living wage; Improved working conditions; Better health and safety; non-racialism. Mineworkers Unite for Justice, Peace and Democracy.

Terrorist Spoil and Equipment Waste, 2

A1 litho full colour; pictures of guns, weapons, mines; Text: Terrorist Spoil and Equipment Waste 2; Public Awareness Chart 14; All terrorist mines, bombs or devices need preparation and arming before they can be laid effectively...

No to Removals

A2 red and black on white litho; collage with soldier, people being removed; text: No to Removals, yes to an undivided South Africa

Transport and General Workers Union

A2 red, yellow, black, blue silkscreen; graphic of workers with flag (TGWU logo); text: We fight for Good Wages; a safe and healthy workplace, no unjust firings, no retrenchment, no unemployment, no apartheid in the workplace, equality between men and women; training; unity in struggle ; with al


Green, white and black poster with calendar for the year 1987; image of a woman and the Womens Charter.

A history of resistance in education

Offset litho; black and yellow; A history of resistance in education


3485 records found.