
Thumbnail Title Description
NUSAS congress

Green border. Black and white images of students protesting. Notice of congress at Pietermaritzburg on 29th December to 3rd December 1987.

Justice for Tunay campaign

Black, red and white poster. Photograph of Tunay Hassan. Died in the custody of the Dalston Police, United Kingdom. Picture of the police station. Notice of a Public Meeting at Hackney Town Hall on 4th December 1987. Issued by the Justice for Tunay Campaign.

Freiheitssender Mandela

Yellow, green and black poster. Artwork of a radio broadcasting tower with image of Nelson Mandela in the background. Notice of a radio broadcast from Solomon Rasebotser, Radio Freedom, ANC, Lusaka.

Mpo and Mphonyana

White poster with black lettering and image of two people at the top with a candle in between them enclosed in the pupil of an eye. Long poem by Boitumelo Makhama.

COSATU Intimidation Conference

Red, black and white poster. Notice of COSATU Education Program from 23rd - 25th October 1987. Photographs of person necklaced, newspapers and women marching.

Namibian Day

White poster with black lettering. 21st Anniversary of the armed struggle. 26th August 1987. Outline of Namibia. Artwork of men holding gun and spear. Words ' victory is certain'.

Namibia Day 26th August

White, blue, red, green and black poster. Number 21 with a rifle across it. SWAPO poster marking 21 years of the armed struggle from 1966 - 1987. SWAPO logo.

Federation of South African Women

Black poster with yellow lettering. Western Cape Region Launch. Nine photos of famous South African women in green black and white. Green image of Africa at bottom.

Mental Health in Transition

A2 Brow, green, purple on white; photo: youth sniffing glue, destitute people; text: Second OASSSA National Conference: Mental Health in Transition, University of the Western Cape

SAYCO Western Cape Region mass rally

Offset litho; black on yellow; Sayco Western Cape Region mass rally: save the 36 on death row

Save our future

Pink, black and white poster. Details of cost of war. List of human rights violations. Issued by Visayas Ecumenical Movement for Justice and Peace. Artwork of various people.

PWAWU Congress

Notice of a PWAWU Congress from 16 to 18 October 1987 at Soweto. PWAWU Logo. Agenda. Artwork of outline of people. Artwork of a clenched fist. Cream, red, black and white poster.

Remember : detainees and political prisoners

White poster with black lettering and red border. Notice of Dependent's Conference on Sunday 18th October 1987. Two quotes from scripture. Isaiah 61:1 and Hebrews 13:3. Red image of South Africa with blocks in black and white showing political prisoners.

Harare Conference : report back

White poster with black lettering. Red stick image of person with arms outstretched in centre. Meeting at UCT. Issued by the Free the Children Alliance (WC)

Kensington Factreton Youth Association: Variety concert

Offset litho; black, green and yellow; Kensington Factreton Youth Association: Variety concert

International year of shelter for the homeless.

Cream background with blue lettering. Notice of a Church Service on Sunday 6th December 1987. Coloured artwork of Mary and Joseph on a donkey with baby Jesus. Black and white photograph of homeless people. IYSH Logo. Venue - Shembe's Church, Inanda.

The church and the elections

Yellow poster with black lettering. Notice of meeting at Cathedral Place, Wednesday 29th April 1987. Issued by Justice and Peace Commission. List of speakers. Artwork of people outside church. Images of election posters.

Detention of journalists : South Africa 1987

White poster with title in black lettering. Black and white image of jail bars with pencils as bars. Issued by the Anti-Censorchip Action Group. List of detainees.

They shall hammer their swords into ploughshares and their spears into pruning hooks

White background with title in black lettering and artwork. Title is a quote from the Bible, Micah: 4. Artwork of a man with a pruning hook up in a tree, with four green leaves. Catholic Fund for Overseas Development (CAFOD) logo.

Peace is my gift to you it is my own peace that I leave with you

White poster with black lettering and artwork. Title is a quote from the Bible - John 14. Artwork of image of a woman holding a branch with two purple flowers. Catholic Fund for Overseas Development (CAFOD) logo.


3485 records found.