
Thumbnail Title Description
Make Your Workplace Safe

A2 silkscreen poster; red and black on white; graphic of workers at work; text: Make your workplace safe; Health Information centre can help your union with information and training on health and safety.

Organise or Die

A2 litho, black on yellow poster; photos of: protesting mineworkers; coffins as mass funeral for Kinross disaster, injured worker; text: Organise or Die; and detailed information and demands carried in three sections headed: Campaign against Accidents; The Kinross Disaster; and Proper Compensat

Solvents in Paint Can Make You Sick

A2 litho poster red and black on white; graphic of worker spraying paint; Text: Solvents in Paint can make you sick; What can be done about dangerous solvents? You can demand...[informational text included]; Workers have the right to know what they are working with.

Cosatu Demands

A2 litho red and black on white; graphic of people marching; text: COSATU demands:1. the right to work2. the right to organize3 the right of students to: form democratic Student Representative Councils4. The right to free political activity5. The right to free movement6.

It'll Be A Great Day

A2 full colour litho child's drawing of boat; text: It'll be a great day when our day care centres have all the money they need and the navy has to hold a bake sale to buy battleships.

Open Our Hospital Now

A2 black on white graphic fist and medical cross; text: Open Our Hospital Now

Dependants Conference Anniversary

Black poster. Red cross, red initials DC, red numbers 25, with three rows of white barbed wire across it. 25th Anniversary 1963 to 1988. Dependants Conference of the SACC.

CAP Calendar and Newsletter 1988

White poster with black lettering. Multicoloured artwork of a man with fist raised holding a white scroll against an industrial background.

A crime against women, a crime against society

Issued by WWM. Two rapes at Wits in 1988. White, black and red poster.

Concerned about your call-up?

ECC poster. White with black lettering and artwork of four youths in silhouette. Information regarding ECC's Conscription Advice Bureau in the Students' Counselling Centre.

Do a national service: join ECC

White poster with black lettering. Artwork of a man and a women waving. ECC logo. Recruitment poster.

End Conscription Campaign

White poster with black lettering. ECC logo. Short history of ECC aims and objectives.

2. Current allternatives to military service

Second page of folder 2858. Information regarding military service and conscientious objectors. ECC poster. White with black lettering.

3. The moral dilemma

Page 3 of folder 2858. ECC poster. White with black lettering. Arguments for conscientious objection.

4. The conscientious objectors

Page 4 of folder 2858. ECC poster. White with black lettering. Artwork of two posters with drawings of Philip Wilkinson at his trial. Quote from part of his speech to the judge at his trial.

1988 Calendar

Calendar for 1988. Green flag with initials UWCO. Red, green, yellow, black and white artwork of a woman behind the Union Buildings in Pretoria. Artwork of two other women.

Don't be misled : join Projects

White poster. Title in red letters outlined in black. Black and white image of P W Botha wearing a tie with a hangman's noose on it. Black and white image of army tank and soldier with gas mask. Recruitment poster for Projects.

Metal wage talks 1988: Deadlocked

Offset litho; Black and red on green; Metal : Wage talks 1988 : Deadlocked : IMF general meetings will be held on 11th and 25th June

Work in Progress 56/57

Offset litho; Black and yellow; Work in Progress 56/57 : 1988. On sale now. A poster advertising an issue of the journal Work in Progress.

Young christian students 1988: action towards a teachers church

Offset litho; black and green calendar; Young christian students 1988 : Action towards a teachers church


3485 records found.