
Thumbnail Title Description
Detention without trial : 100 artists protest

White poster with black block in centre showing artwork of dead flowers hanging down. Black lettering at bottom on white background. Notice of exhibition at Market Gallery on 31st January to 5th March 1988. DPSC Logo.

Speak: housework should be shared

A2 litho poster red and black on white; cartoon of women working, carrying posters; text: SPEAK: Equal rights for women; Housework should be shared; Akubanjiswane emsebenzini wasendlini

Nora: guerrillera ... embajadora de la paz y la vida

Red, black and white poster. Two photographs of Nora Astorga, 1948-1988. Heroina de la Patria. Obituary poster. FSLN poster.

We have survived!

Yellow, red, black and white poster. Notice of an Aboriginal Poster Exhibition. Commemorating 200 years of Aboriginal Resistance in Australia - 1788 - 1988. Exhibition at Lambeth Town Hall on 24th February to 1st March. Artwork of map of Australia and an Aboriginal.

May Day

Red poster from NUSAS with black lettering. Black and white images of workers carrying May Day placards. Ban apartheid not democracy.

London to Oxford sponsored bike ride for Nicaragua

Red, black and white poster. Notice of a Fundraising bike ride on Bank Holiday Sunday, 1st May 1988. Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign. O.L.A.C. logo. List of attractions. Artwork of people riding bicycles.


Yellow black and white poster with yellow border. Black lettering. Two blocks of outlines of cartoon people. NUSAS invite to July Festival. Students for a democratic future. Details of theme of festival. SRC stamp.

Concert for peace

Notice of a concert for charity at Fun Valley on Sunday 17th July 1988. The Mandela 70th Birthday. Yellow background with black lettering. White stars on outline of map of South Africa containing names of performers. List of other performers underneath.

Nelson Mandela freedom rally

White, green, yellow and black poster. Photograph of Nelson Mandela. Notice of a rally at Hyde Park, London. List of speakers. Music performance. Issued by the Anti-apartheid Movement, London.

National congress cultural day

A2 litho poster; red, yellow and black; photo by Cedric Nunn of workers performing Sarmcol Workers play in 1987; Text: National Congress Cultural Day; Usuku lomgidi COSATU -Zibonele Amagalelo Akho;Indlamu Amakhawaya Amavidiyo Imibukiso ye Art; Umculo Ama Plays Izinkondlo; Ama Poster Ama t-shirts

Dave Bruce on trial

White background with black lettering. Black and white photograph of Dave Bruce, on trial for refusing to serve in the SADF.

Actstop: Mayfair public meeting

Cream poster with green lettering and black border. Black and white photograph of a two children on a swing, one white and one black. List of demands against the Group Areas Act, regarding recreational facilities. Issued by Actstop.

SPEAK: COSATU Women's Conference

A2 poster black and white on green; photos of COSATU Women's Conference 1989; text: SPEAK, COSATU Women's Conference 22-24 April 1988; Viva Makhosikazika; COSATU Viva; Viva COSATU Women

Conscripts need alternatives

Brown poster with black lettering. Placard for ECC Herald. Special call up issue - August 1988. ECC Logo.

Postage stamps: third quarter 1988

Brown poster with white lettering and border. Replicas of coloured postage stamps issued in 1988 in Southern Africa. Philatelic services and intersapa poster.

Gandhi: Luthuli: King: Mandela: a legacy for the future

Light grey background. Artwork of Gandi, Luthuli, King and Mandela with a white dove in front of them. Notice of an exhibition at the Documentation Centre, at the University of Durban-Westville, during July 1988.

World day of prayer for free Namibia May 4th 1988 : In Commemoration of the Kassinga massacre

Offset litho; black and brown; World day of prayer for a free Namibia May 4th 1988 : In Commemoration of the Kassinga massacre, May 4th 1978

Sputnik: monthy illustrated digest of the Soviet press

Calendar for 1988 on multicoloured photograph of summer in the Artic, Walruses.

Nichts wird uns trennen

Black and white poster. Notice of a photography exhibition about apartheid in Osterreich (Austria). Photograph of African family dated 1984. Issued by Anti-Apartheid-Bewegung in Osterreich (Austria).

No! to the Labour Bill: No! to restrictions

Offset litho; black, red and yellow; No! to the Labour Bill : No! to restrictions : Organise! Resist! : Johannesburg May 14-15 1988


3485 records found.