
Thumbnail Title Description
1946 : 70 000 miners strike : twelve killed : 1986 : Viva NUM

Red poster with yellow lettering. Words - Nationalise the mines - in yellow letters against black and white image of workers protesting. Image of miner wearing a hard hat in centre with fist raised.

Frontline states: ANC together: in struggle

White poster with black lettering, and black border. Green outline of South Africa, with black and white artwork of men with rifles marching across it. Image of black, green and yellow flag. Words "Mayihlome! 1986 - year of the MK" at bottom of poster.

Drawing of an SWAPO man

Black and white drawing of an African man by Paul Robson, dated 1986. May be SWAPO leader. Namibia.

1986 worker's diary

Red, white and black poster. Advertisement for 1986 worker's diary. List of contents. Ravan Press publication. Artwork of people marching. Words 'organise a million workers in 1986!'.

SA 1986: control at any cost: privilege at any price

NUSAS - action for democracy poster. Orange with red and black lettering. Black outline of solider's head with cap, with images of tanks and informal settlements. Eyebrow with swastika.

Mot apartheid

Black, white, green, yellow, red poster. For ANC and SWAPO.

Question Mark

Black, orange and white poster. Artwork of a man beating a drum with question marks emanating from it. Notice of a play by Sechaba Experimental Drama Group. Original play devised by Action Workshop in 1984 as "Time to Act".

South African Railways and Harbours Workers Union

SARHWU Logo. Red, yellow and black poster. 1936 - 1986 - 30 years anniversary.


Anti apartheid poster. White with black drawing of man with arm raised behind barbed wire and black lettering. Poem by Jacky Diale. Drawing by Natasha Krenbol.

South African Communist Party 1921-1986

Black, red and white poster. Artwork of a hand and a fist smashing words 'war against exploitation, oppression and racism'. 1921 - 1986 is 65 years. Artwork of a hammer and sickle.

Standing For The Truth

A2 green text red fish on white litho poster; text: Standing for the truth: The spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He has annointed me to preach the good news to the poor; to proclaim freedom for the prisoners; recovery of sight for the blind, and to release the oppressed.

Release Mandela Campaign 1986 Calendar

A2 red and black on yellow; photo Mandela with I must return across his eyes

People's Alphabet Series: X

A2 blue and black on white; graphic of X's; text: X is for apartheid; X is for poverty; X is for high rent; X is for oppression

Our Children Need Peace Not Bullets

A2 red and black litho; graphic child in target; text: Our children need peace not bullets

Support Sharpeville Six

A2 red and black on yellow; graphic men and nooses; text: Support Sharpeville Six; We will not allow them to hang; Ried Mokoena, Reginald Sefatsa, Therese Ramashamola, Moses Diniso, Francis Mokgoesi, Duma Khumalo; Down with Puppets; Away with apartheid; Forward to People's Power.

The government has abandoned the unemployed to roam the streets

Offset litho; black and red; The government has abandoned the unemployed to roam the streets : Support the memorandum

South African Railway and Harbour Workers Union (SARHWU): Hlanganani basebenzi

Offset litho; black, red and yellow; South African Railway and Harbour Workers Union : Hlanganani Basebenzi

40 years of struggle for a living wage and conditions

Offset litho; black; 1946 -- 1986 : 40 years of struggle for a living wage and conditions : Then and Now : Mineworkers Say: Decent living conditions Not our privilage - Our Right

More than a cry II

Silkscreened; black on yellow paper; More than a cry II

Breaking down the barrier

Silkscreened; black; Breaking down the barrier


3485 records found.