
Thumbnail Title Description
WEKTU 1986 : 1987 Calendar

Black, white and grey poster. Artwork of conflict in townships. Western Cape Teachers Union calendar. Dedicated to the struggle and sacrifice of the youth in 1985.

Eritrea never kneel down

War on Want poster. Title in black letters. Coloured photographs of people in Eritrea.

Law 86

Black and white poster with bits of pale blue and red. Photograph of Rosemary Hunter in a diamond pattern. Student representative election poster.

1986: working together: EDA and Afrapix calendar

Black and white poster. EDA (Environmental Development Agency) and Afrapix calendar. Cover page. Words 'working together' in three languages.

Concert in the park

Black poster with red and white lettering. Venue - Ellis Park on 11th January 1986. Photograph of huge crowd of people at Ellis Park. List of performers.

Venda: Second Definitive Series

Black and white background with 'Venda' in orange letters. Coloured replicas of postage stamps of snakes, issued in Venda in 1986.

Join all the catholic bishops of Southern Africa in a mass for peace

Cream poster with black lettering. Notice of a Mass at St Peter Claver Church, Mamelodi East, on Sunday 26th January 1986. Image of a dove.

Whose Reality Mr. Botha?

A2 red and black on white, litho; maps of SA with bars; text:Whose reality Mr Botha?

National Union of South African Students 1986 Calendar

Yellow poster with black lettering. February to December 1986 Calendar.

Have you seen Zandile?

Notice of a play at The Laager at the Market. Market Theater Company Logo. Black and white poster. Based on a true story written by Gcina Mhlope. Black and white photograph of a girl carrying a handbag.

Nicaragua under siege

Blue background with white map of Nicaragua and flag. Blocks of information about the country.

A broken landscape

Black and white poster. Notice of an exhibition of photographs, covering South Africa from 1984 to 1986, by Gideon Mendel at The Market Photo Gallery. From the 16th March to April 5th 1986. Photograph of people protesting.

The war against Soviet colonialism: Unita's fight for freedom in Angola

Red, white, black and pink poster. Notice of a meeting on 19th March 1986 at SS10. SMA presents a Unita Officer, freedom fighter speaker. Issued by the National Student Federation.

The New Nation

A2 red and black litho; picture youths running; text: Are you part of the big rush for... the New Nation? Coming January 1986

End Conscription Campaign calendar 1986

Pink and grey poster. Photograph of a man playing a saxophone. ECC logo.

Release Mandela Campaign

Yellow poster. 1986 Calendar. Dates of interest on left hand side. RMC Logo. Photograph of Mandela with words 'I must return' over his eyes. Text from The Freedom Charter in red on right hand side. Issued by the Release Mandela Campaign.

Calendar - Africa

Multicoloured artwork of map of Africa, by Caroline Cullinan, dated 1986, with various scenes on a yellow background. Calendar underneath.

The rascists shall not rule: 1986 year of the peoples army

Multicoloured poster, with image of man holding a gun. Words on poster: Take the struggle forward; The people shall govern.

Hunger striker: Henry Fazzie: Age 67 years: UDF

Black and white poster. Photograph of Henry Fazzie holding a microphone. Detained on 4th August 1986. Issued by Grassroots Publications, Cape Town.

Sandino lives ... Nicaragua will survive

Multicoloured poster with artwork of Sandino and his officers by Armando Morales. 25th Anniversary of the FSLN.


3485 records found.