
Thumbnail Title Description
Crossroads, District Six: one struggle: mass meeting

Black and white, with protestors on the top of the poster; UDF logo. Notice of a mass meeting.

Huhudi Youth Organisation

Red and white, with artwork of a house with the name of the township Pudumong on; and a person standin in front, with his ribs looking undernourished from hunger. Words on poster: No to hunger, no to high rents, no to Pudumong!

National Womens Day, 9th Aug

Red, white and black; with artwork of a woman flying a banner which reads, National Womens Day, 9th Aug.

Other customers don't get free gifts

Black, white and red poster. War on Want (W.O.W.) Campaign poster. Outline of map of South America.

Artwork of a pastoral scene

Multicoloured artwork of small whitewashed houses and a church in a rural community.

War on Want

Black and white poster. War on Want information poster. Photograph of men digging a channel for sanitation in Bangladesh.

Nicaragua must survive

War on Want. Black, white and pink poster. Women in Nicaragua Container Appeal. Photograph of three women in a field.

A just peace

Black and white poster. End Conscription Campaign poster. Drawing in centre of a lighted candle held in the middle of two outstretched arms. Artwork of soldiers marching and a naked man sitting in a cell with a rifle being held out to him.

Support Ivan Toms

Yellow, black and white poster. Conscripts need alternatives. Photo of Ivan Toms. Conscientious Objector. Artwork of a black and white film across poster.

Merrick Douglas

Black and white poster. Photograph of Merrick Douglas. On trial for refusing an army camp.

Take forward their fight

Black and white poster with title in red letters. Artwork of a mother with two small children by Kollwitz.

Behind the glossy veneer

Black and white poster. Artwork of a radio, with the word 'constitution' split in half and images of a violent society.

Namibia prayer year

Black, orange and white poster. Artwork of a woman with a baby on her back and a girl walking with sacks on their heads. Bible quotes from James 5 : 4 and Psalm 71. Black image of Namibia.

COSAS banned : 31 killed : meeting

Notice of a meeting by NUSAS AZASO, at Yellow Level, Wednesday 12h45.

NUSAS: working for our future without apartheid

Multicoloured poster with artwork of the map of Africa. Words at the bottom: join NUSAS political action.

Free Geronimo pratt : fighting spirit of the black nation

Purple, yellow, black and white poster. Demand for the release of Geronimo Pratt, political prisoner in San Quentin prison in the United States for 17 years. Leader of the Black Liberation Movement. Artwork of a man behind bars and children playing.

Join Projects

Yellow, black and white poster. Recruitment poster for Projects. Artwork of a university building crumbling under apartheid. Come to 2nd Floor Students Union, Room 218. SRC Resource Centre stamp on the bottom of the poster.

Nelson Mandela: The struggle is my life: A pictorial exposition

Black and white poster showing three photographs by Eli Weinberg. One a portrait of Nelson Mandela. One a portrait of Mandela boxing and one of Mandela with Yusuf Dadoo, President of Transvaal Indian Congress. Short CV of Nelson Mandela. Quote from Man. Poster comprises six pages.

The people of Namibia: calendar

Blue poster with white map of Africa, with Namibia in red. Front page of calendar. Includes photographs of Namibian citizens displayed on the months of the year.


White and green poster. Block 3 and 4 cartoon with two soldiers in a field talking about a bombing.


3485 records found.