
Thumbnail Title Description
Khumbula, Unganikezeli, Onthou, Remember June 16

Black and white, text in red, with artwork of school children in protest.

Give him a gun now: for defence and victory

Yellow, red, black, brown and white poster. Issued by the Communist Party of South Africa. Artwork of a man in a uniform with a hat, holding a spear.

No to resettlement!

Red, white and black poster. Artwork of soldiers pointing guns at women and children. Nyanga, Kromdraai, Crossroads, Soekmekaar, the people say no.

Welcome Mbeki

Black, green and yellow, ANC colours; with artwork of Govan Mbeki, and images of people behind prison bars.

Build UDF

Black and white; artwork of bricks in the shape of a hand in a fist.

We demand: support the consumer boycott

Red, white and black; with artwork of protestors hands and a banner with the words: The people shall govern.

Don't support apartheid

Red and white; artwork of a hand, with the words Peoples Power on it; smashing a building with Apartheid Parliament written on it. Tvl Anti-PC, appears on the bottom right of the poster.

Away with this terrible system: yes to democratic SRC's

Red and white, with artwork of a skeleton of a face, with the words: prefect system on the face; with image of people on on either side.

This is our land: no rent increase for matchboxes: Soweto

Pink, cream and black poster. Artwork of a brick wall with title written on it.

Will you be abroad on April 26 - 28?

Black blueand white poster. IEC Logo. Election poster.

Why is May Day important for children

Cream background, with text in red ink, and multicoloured artwork of children. Note at the bottom of the poster, produced by Children's Resource Centre.

Hamba kahle comrade Baba Toleni: no liberation without women

Black and white, with photograph of comrade (Baba) Norah Toleni

You have tampered with the women, you have struck a rock

Black and white; with artwork of protestors in front of the Union Buildings in Pretoria, comemmorating National Women's Day.

Noise at work can make you deaf

Maroon and white poster. Artwork of a man using a pneumatic drill. Three languages. Issued by the Health Information Centre.

Malopoets: David Kramer concert

Black and yellow background; images of map of Africa; with text in white. Notice of a music concert by David Kramer in support of the Leyland and Wilson-Rowntree workers. Logo of Rock Against Management (RAM) at the bottom right of the poster.

Don't hang Theresa

Black and white poster with artwork of Mother Theresa standing next to a rope hanging and a map of Africa. Words on the bottom of the poster: Imprisonement shall only be for serious crimes against the people and shall aim at re-education not vengeance, (Freedom Charter).

UCT E.C.C. launch

Red, blue and white poster. Notice of the launch of End Conscription Campaign at the University of Cape Town; Allan Boesak and Paula Hathorn.

In the factories: Mayday is ours

Black and white; with artwork of people at work.

Mass meeting, vergadering: don't vote

Yellow, white and black; artwork of PW Botha dragging some mice. Notice of a meeting on 9 August, issued by Anti Election Group.

Massa vergadering

Black, white and red, with artwork of a brick wall with graffiti. Notice of a mass meeting to be held on 1 July at Elsies River.


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