
Thumbnail Title Description
Organise, educate, negotiate: make work safe!

Multicoloured artwork of people at work illustrating safety and industrial health scenes. Produced by the members of the Industrial Health Research Group.

Dobson road advice office

Red and white poster for Dobson road advice office offering advice on UIF; legal advice; workman's compensation; sickfund benefit; state grants; housing etc. Included are the contact details and hours of opening.

Clothing Workers Union: we demand jobs and a living wage for all

White background with text in green and black. Cartoon on unemployment; words from the Bible: "Has not God chosen the poor of this world to be rich in faith and to inherit His kingdom? He promised those who loved Him? Is it not the rich who are exploiting you? (James 2: 5and 6)

Craddock slain: commemorative meeting

Red and white, with UDF logo, and artwork of dead people. Notice of a commemorative meeting to be held at the Claremont Civic Centre, on 25 July. List of speakers: Murphy Morobe, Mary Burton, Mike Rautenbach.

Crisis Centre: relief services for unrest , people hurt, arrested or detained

Red and white poster with contact details of the Crisis Centre in Woodstock, Cape Town, providing a twenty four hour advice service to victims of a crisis situation.

Platform 2000: Ons gaan stem: The people shall govern!!

Blue and white poster. Geometric design border. Artwork of an african woman with a sack on her head, and a small child.

Nominations open: the SRC needs all types

Colour poster with sketces of people and words: Stand now or forever hold your peace.

UDF: The people shall govern!

Black and white poster. Artwork of UDF Logo.

Say no to apartheid: sign the UDF Declaration

Red, yellow, black and white UDF poster. UDF Logo. Artwork of a hand holding a pencil.

Troops out of the townships

ECC poster. White, red and black. Artwork of a tank in the township.

Workers power for democracy and socialism

Black and white poster with red border in centre and title in red letters. Poster celebrating the 1917 Russian Revolution. Photographs of scenes in Russia and Africa. Issued by SAYCO.

Kopanang le thusaneng

Back and white poster. Artwork of African women, one carrying a chicken, one carrying a bowl of fruit and the other carrying a hoe.

Unban the ANC!: Forward to socialism

Black, white and marron poster. Artwork of workers protesting, one carrying a red flag one carrying a hammer and one carrying a gun.

For call-up headaches ... Conscription Advice Service

Blue, black and white poster. Artwork of an SADF logo falling on a man.

One year of united action

Red, yellow, black and white poster. Artwork of a crowd marching carrying UDF flags.

Metal box workers: we demand our jobs back

Yellow, red and black poster. Black artwork of people holding a flag.

Troops out of the townships: no apartheid war

ECC poster. Black, red and white poster. Artwork of an African woman's head and her hand raised, and an army tank.

The future is ours: we want English medium at our schools: goodbye Afrikaans

Blue and white, with artwork of school children protesting.

Manenberg advice

Purple background with text in black. Manenberg advice; offering advice on pensions; housing; sickfund; grants; evictions; hire purchase; every Saturday at the Catholic Church Hall, Manenberg Avenue from 10am to 1pm.

Remember June 16

White background, with text in red. Artwork of a man carrying a child, with the name Hector over. Another image of protestors holding a flag titled June 16.


3485 records found.