
Thumbnail Title Description
Mandela ave

Orange and black poster with photograph of Nelson Mandela behind bars.

Free Nelson Mandela

Grey and white poster. Photograph of Nelson Mandela behind bars.

Nelson Mandela : The struggle is my life

Notice of a book about Nelson Mandela. A pictorial exposition, produced and published by Southern Africa. White poster with black lettering. Photograph of Nelson Mandela.

Zimbabwe welcomes Nelson Mandela : The people's leader

White poster with black lettering. Black and white photograph of Nelson Mandela. ANC Logo. Artwork of two hands shaking. Black slashes and stars.

Happy Birthday Nelson Mandela : A people's leader : Freedom at 70

Two posters side by side. Yellow centre with green and black border and black lettering. Image of Nelson Mandela with blindfold. Issued by Mandela Birthday Committee.

Worker Sunday

Yellow poster with black and white lettering. Issued by The Labour Programme, Diakonia. Small black artwork images around the poster. Red artwork of a head in the centre of the poster with danger signs on it. Words "We damand safe and healthy working conditions".

When Truth has vanquised the mighty : then shall the weak inherit the earth

Black and white poster. Two photographs of homeless people and soldiers.

Truly, I say to you, as you did it not to one of the least of these, you did it not to me. Matthew 25 V 45

White poster with black lettering and black artwork. Artwork of a modern day man tied to a cross. Printed at C.A.P. Photographs of people living in the open.

Sarmcol Worker Play : 'Long March'

White poster with black lettering. Notice of a play to support COSATU. Black and white artwork of people performing in a play.

Majiet: a play by Achmat Dangor

Black and white poster. Notice of a play. An Open School Production. Black and white artwork of a person behind bars.

You need SARHWU : SARHWU needs you : Join now

Yellow poster with ten rows of two blocks. SARHWU Logo. Recruitment poster.

We have won!

White poster with six rows of four SARHWU logos's with words 'We have won!' in red letters.

Constituent Assembly Now!

White poster with black lettering. Title only.

Why do police harbour hit squads?

White poster with black lettering. Title only.

Treason Trial: the accused, December 1956

Grey poster with black lettering. Black and white photograph by Eli Weinberg, of all the accused. From "The Struggle is my Life", the story of Nelson Mandela. A Pictorial Exposition.

Be in contact with the changing world of youth

Grey poster with black, red and white lettering. Subscription to magazine Youth Contact. Artwork of angels. List of contents of magazine. Photographs of scenes in South Africa. Poster from Southern African Bishops Conference, Youth Department.

Artwork of Christ on the cross

Purple poster with black and white artwork of Jesus Christ on the cross. Bible verse from Mark 8 : 31-35.

Isolera Sydafrika!

Black poster with white letters. Black and white photograph of a pair of soldiers boots on a board with black faces underneath. At the bottom, on the left-hand -side are the contact details of ISAK- Isolera Sydafrika-Kommitten; Isolate South Africa Committee.

Children learn what they live

South African Council of Churches poster, Home and Family Life Department. Title poem, by Dorothy Law Nolte, in red letters on yellow background. Multicoloured poster with cartoon figures.

Forward to freedom

Black, green, yellow and white poster. Black and white artwork of men marching raising weapons. Leader wearing T-shirt with words 'Umkhonto we sizwe' on it.


3485 records found.