
Thumbnail Title Description
Letter from Duncan Innes, President, NUSAS, to National Executive and SRC Presidents

General circular letter from the President of the National Union of South African Students, informing the National Executive and Student Representative Councils of protests occurring at South African university campuses to commemorate the Extension of University Education Act of 1959.

Letter from Duncan Innes, President, NUSAS, to SRC Presidents and National Executive

Circular letter from the President of the National Union of South African Students, Duncan Innes, reporting on a meeting between a delegation from NUSAS and the Minister of Police and the Interior.

The development of the struggle

Paper by Scrape Mtshona on the history of the freedom struggle in South Africa. Includes request for assistance to the Unity Movement.

Let us rally

Call to the Conference of the All-African Convention.

Letter from John Daniel, President, to University Principals and others

Circular letter from John Daniels, President of NUSAS, reporting on the effect of the Commission of Enquiry into Improper Political Interference and the Political Representation of the Various Population groups on organisations such as NUSAS.

Confidential briefing for the information and publicity sections of the ZAPU-ANC alliance

Briefing regarding fighting by the Zimbabwe African Peoples Union and the African National Congress against the Rhodesian army.

Verwoerd lets loose terror

Circular by the All-African Convention and the Unity Movement regarding arrests of members of the All-African Convention and the Unity Movement.

Verwoerd lets loose terror on All-African Convention and Unity Movement of South Africa: the struggle goes on

Circular by the All-African Convention and the Unity Movement on the arrests and bannings of some members of these organisations.

I B Tabata on the Liberation Struggle in South Africa

Notice of a meeting where I B Tabata would speak about the liberation struggle in South Africa.

Freedom struggle in South Africa

Notice of a meeting in Detroit, USA, where I B Tabata would speak about the South African freedom struggle.

NUSAS Circular to SRC Presidents, Chairmen, Local Committees, Student Editors and SANSPA and Executive of NUSAS

Circular from John Daniel, Vice-President of NUSAS, to SRC Presidents, Chairmen, Local Committees, Student Editors and SANSPA and Executive of NUSAS, regarding the banning of the NUSAS President, Ian Robertson. Includes full text of the banning orders.

Circular from John Daniels, SRC Vice-President

Circular from John Daniels, Vice-President of NUSAS, to SRC Presidents, NUSAS Executive, Local Committee Chairmen, Honorary Officers, Advisory Board, Overseas Representatives, International Student Organisations, National Unions of Students, regarding the NUSAS Deputation to the Minister of Justi

Letter from Duncan Innes, President, to SRC Presidents and others

General circular letter from Duncan Innes, President of the National Union of South African Students, with a report giving information on the National Union, its aims and objectives and its work. A brief history of the National Union is included.

Deportation of NUSAS President Elect

Appendix B to President's address to the 44th Annual Congress of the National Union of South African Students, 30th June to 9th July, 1968.

Circular letter from A.K. Essack to members of the Unity Movement

Circular letter to the members of the Unity Movement explaining the current organisational position.

A reply to Livingstone Mqotsi and the anonymous members of the Unity Movement in Zambia by a member of the Unity Movement in South Africa

Circular by Leonard Makhuza Nikani, a member of the South African Unity Movement, regarding a circular sent out by Livingstone Mqotsi and members of the Zambian Unity Movement which contained accusations against I B Tabata and the Unity Movement.

Circular from John Daniel, Vice-President of NUSAS, to Overseas Representatives and Executive

Circular from John Daniel, Vice-President of NUSAS, to Overseas Representatives and Executive regarding recent developments in the student world.

People of Azania

A "power to the people" circular

Internal circular

Internal circular regarding planning for a women's workshop and a mini-conference on women. Does not include second page.

Towards a campaigning and mass based ANC

Discussion of program of action for the Western Cape Region African National Congress.


243 records found.