
Thumbnail Title Description
Apartheid Education System
Indian Penetration into European areas in the urban local authority areas in Natal
Signatures for cheques
Secretarial Circular - Draft Ordinance to replace the Pegging

The first item for discussion on the Agenda at next Friday's meeting of the Executive is the Draft....

NMA - Secretarial Circular

During the past few days Mr E.R.Browne M.P.C. has presented, a five page Memorandum to the Executive Committee of the Province on the subject of Indlan.Penetration in urban areas......

Secretarial Circular

Indian penetration, Towns, urban Centre, reconstruction commission, Radical racial zones, European, Non-european, contiguous local authorities, land expropriation commission, water supply authority,

The Indian people should oppose the proposed Licensing Board

Anti-Segregation Council

The Indian people should oppose the proposed Licensing Board

Durban observer and Natal general advertiser - Public Meeting - Oct 1851

Report of public meeting held in October 1851 to discuss the prpriety of indroducing Indian Labour to Natal

Ezekiel Mphahlele_Curriculum Vitae
Anti-Segregation Council

Anti-Segregation Council

Hindu Young Men's Association

22nd Anniversary Celebration

Freedom Day Celebrations 27th April

Freedom Day is an annual celebration of South Africa's first non-racial democratic elections of 1994. Peace, unity , the preservation and the restoration of human dignity hallmarks Freedom Day celebrations on the 27th of April of each year.

Mbari notices
Ndebele Homestead

KCAV 1908-10 Ndebele Homestead. Bronkhostspruit 15.6.1960.

Working paper background to republic day celebrations: oppositions to the public

This is a circular issued by NUSAS about the republic day celebrations,peoples stay away and students taking the lead.

Paper presented by Eric Molobi

Paper presented by Eric Molobi at the United Democratic Front's National Council conference which took place on the 17th - 18th December 1983 in Port Elizabeth.

Introduction to Dossier on Diplomatic Offensive

Circular to African National Congress members and units on the South African government's diplomatic offensive, namely the Nkomati Accord and the withdrawal of the army from Angola.

If someone you know is detained, arrested, harrassed or injured in terms of security legislation

Circular informing people about things to do if someone they know is detained, arrested, harrassed or injured in terms of security legislation

Address at the National General Council 1985

An address in the first meeting of the National General Council appreciating the changes that have been done in the enemy camp.

Directive of the Central Committee of the SACP to all member, units and other structures on security measures to be taken

Confidential directive from the Central Committee of the South African Communist Party (SACP) on security measures to be observed in time of counter-offensive by Government


243 records found.