
Thumbnail Title Description
8th Party Congress News

Booklet issued by the SACP supplying news about the 8th party congress held in 1991 and also discuss information about voting.

The S.A.C.P. district committees

The S.A.C.P. district committees. Paper discussing challenges facing the party, democratic centralism, and organisational role.

SACP reading list

Paper containing reading list on the history of the SACP

Draft health document for SACP

Circular criticising the health care system and suggesting a people's health service.

Draft health document for SACP

Circular criticising the health care system and suggesting a people's health service.

Circular to all SACP regions

Circular sent by the National Congress Organising Committee of the South African Communist Party (SACP) to Regional Secretaries and Administrators on representation of structures and proceedings at the 8th Congress

Circular from Valli Moosa to All Regions and Sectors

Circular from Valli Moosa to All Regions and Sectors with the agenda for the NEC meeting.

Standing for the truth campaign

Circular on non-violence campaign about public transport system.

Distribution of United Democratic Front media

Its a distribution of United Democratic Front media to different organisations around Johannesburg regarding the United Democratic Front media and how many copies they want of United Democratic Front Update, News, Isizwe Journal, Pamphlets and Posters.

Distribution of United Democratic Front media

Its a distribution of United Democratic Front media to different organisations in other areas regarding the United Democratic Front media and how many copies they want of United Democratic Front Update, News, Isizwe Journal, Pamphlets and Posters.

The education debate: our view

Circular about the education debate by the Black Consciousness Movement of Azania, and includes discussions about the national education crisis, student boycotts and the role of students in the liberation process.

One person one vote in a unitary South Africa

Circular issued by NUSAS and SANSCO, urging all students to support the principle of one person, one vote in a unitary South Africa, in an upcoming poll.

NUSAS new year's message

Circular from NUSAS to all students, parents, staff and members of the community about the NUSAS new year's message.


Inner-Party circular on the issue of a probation period for new members.

We will not be silenced

Circular publicising a conference to be held in Cape Town on 2 May 1988, regarding the resistance of church organisations to state repression.

Prevention of Illegal Squatting Amendment Act: Punitive Squatting Act signed: 9 February 1989

Circular relating to the prevention of Illegal Squatting Act of 1951 which prohibited the creation and occupation of almost all informal housing

A message from the Administrator-General of Namibia and the Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations to all SWAPO personnel

Circular from the Administrator-General of Namibia to SWAPO soldiers to lay down their weapons and return to Angola giving them an undertaking of safety if they return to Namibia peacefully.

SACP 8th Congress: Standing orders and rules of the Congress

Paper discussing rules and procedure of the South African Communist Party

The Trade Union Movement

Annexure B of circular entitled The Trade Union Movement

The Black students' message to their beloved parents

This circular, written by the Soweto Students Representative Council, condemns the Black education system and the conditions of migrant labourers living in hostels.


243 records found.