
Thumbnail Title Description
"We the SSRC condemn...," handwritten statement

This handwritten statement of condemnation contains eight points including that of the detentions of BPA members and the violent actions of the police force.

Statement of demand

A statement of demands by students attending the Thomas Mofolo Secondary School that includes a rejection of Afrikaans as a medium of instruction and the re-instatement of expelled students.

Teachers and students unite

The circular issued by the Soweto Students' Representative Council urges the community to stand in solidarity with teachers who have resigned, in protest, from their posts.

A call to all: now is the time to take an active role in the struggle for human dignity

The call is made by students of the Cape Peninsular to join the fight for human dignity against the unjust apartheid system.

Who is next?

A circular calling for solidarity in the fight for freedom

A call for a National Convention for the Republic of South Africa

Circular which discusses the reasons for the call for a National Convention for the Republic of South Africa, the deteriorating situation in the country, the authority of a National Convention, members, objectives and the preparation for the National Convestion.

A call for Unity

A call for Unity by the Unity Movement of South Africa. Calls for all South African liberation movements to present a united front against oppression.

Black Renaissance Convention, St.Peters Conference Centre, Hammanskraal, 13th-16th December 1974

The document contains a declaration of the Convention's opposition to the apartheid policy and resolutions for future plans to reconvene conferences that promote political rights for Black people in South Africa.

SASO: Executive and Staff

The circular contains a list of names of the Executive members and staff of SASO for the years 1974 and 1975


This is a circular about black people being murdered for refusing to carry passes and for fighting for human rights.

Can we ask the question and find out the answer why our Brother Onkopotse Tiro was murdered in Botswana

The circular urges Blacks students to take note of the murder of Black leaders by the apartheid government. It is a call for a united reaction in the fight against apartheid.

Final Schlebusch report on NUSAS

General circular from the president of the National Union of South African Students, speculating on the final report of the Schlebusch Commission of Enquiry into the National Union and suggesting appropriate responses to some of the points likely to be raised in the report.

From the African Scholars of Cape Town: Once we return to our desks - the cause is lost!

Recommendations from the pupils of the Cape Town Bantu schools with regard to improving the Bantu education system

To all residents of Soweto, hostels, Reef and Pretoria, we say: remember you are all Blacks

The circular issued by the Soweto Students' Representative Council, in English, Zulu and a translation into Afrikaans, is an appeal to all residents of Soweto and surrounding areas to stop fighting amongst themselves and guard against the tactics of the government which cause division amongst Bl

Now Cape Town...Now Langa too is burning

The circular informs University of Cape Town students of a mass meeting to be held in response to the political turmoil that had begun to affect Cape Town. The government asks for law and order in an unlawful state. The meeting calls for solidarity with all victims of apartheid violence.

The Black Man in South Africa

Notice of a public lecture to be given by I B Tabata at the University of California, San Diego, entitled The Black Man in South Africa.

Soweto Students Representative Council: Pledge solidarity with students

Circular issued by the SSRC calling for increased solidarity with Black students in South Africa in the struggle for freedom

Soweto Students Representative Council: Boycott on rent increase

Circular calling for solidarity of students with parents over a rent increase

Role of riot police in the burnings and killings, Nyanga, Cape Town, Christmas 1976

Circular from the Christian Institute of Southern Africa containing personal eye-witness accounts of the role of riot police in provoking violence in Cape Town over the Christmas period in 1976.

December 16, 1976: Parents' day of pledging solidarity with the students

Circular, issued by the Soweto Students Representative Council, calling for a commemoration on 16 December 1976, of those killed in police violence and a rededication to the national liberation struggle


243 records found.