
Thumbnail Title Description
Guaranteeing fundamental freedoms in a new South Africa

The 35th lecture in the Alfred and Winifred Hoernle Memorial Lecture series delivered by Chief Justice M M Corbett in Johannesburg on 7 May 1990, in celebrating the Diamond Jubilee year.

The Mandela Document

ANC booklet containing the full text of a document presented by Nelson Mandela to P W Botha in July 1989, stating his views on the armed struggle, relations with the South African Communist Party and majority rule.

What is a constitution?

Booklet published by the African National Congress Constitutional Committee. A discussion document prepared for the Constitutional Committee of the ANC to encourage and promote discussion on the structure and content of a new, non-racial non-sexist and democratic constitution of South Africa.

Race relations survey 1988/89

A survey of race relations in South Africa in 1988/89 and includes chapters on: Health and welfare; Social segregation; Homelands; Population and settlement; Housing; Education; The economy and business; Employment; Labour relations; Government and constitution; Security; Political developments;

Race relations survey: 1987/88

A survey of race relations in South Africa in 1987/88 and includes chapters on: African removals; Population and race classification; Political developments; Transport; Government and constitution; Education; Housing; Religious Organisations; Social segregation; Sport; Employment; Business; Econo

A 70th Birthday Tribute to Oliver Tambo

Booklet to mark Oliver Tambo's 70th birthday.

SWAPO news and views: fighting for freedom and justice in solidarity

SWAPO news and views: fighting for freedom and justice in solidarity. Book discussing: New year messsage to the Namibia people, Comrade Enerst Kadungure calls for solidarity in fight agaist apartheid, Liberal struggle will continue in Namibia etc.

Legitimacy and struggle

Chapter addressing the question of violence and non-violence as an issue for churches in South Africa.

The meaning of Black Consciousness in the struggle for liberation

The meaning and definition of Black Consciousness in South Africa is discussed as well as the challenge of developing community projects. The formation of SASO (South African Students Organisation) and the impact of Black Consciousness on politics in South Africa are also discussed.

Black consciousness: a reactionary tendency

This article is a reprint, and first appeared in June 1976 in The Educational Journal of March-May issue. The author provides the reader with a very detailed background and history of the formation of the Black Consciousness Movement in South Africa.

Education, development and change in Africa

The speech delivered by Murphree places emphasis on education and educating the people of Africa as part of the liberals function in ensuring a positive socio-political change of thought. Bearing in mind that education is a Human Right and should not be used against the criteria of skin colour.

Transkei independence

The book contain a series of essays on the issue of the Transkei independence.

Apartheid: hope or despair for Blacks?

This book contains a collection of essays entitled: Bantustans, The Coloured Persons Representative Council and Government Created Platforms

So truth be in the field

A study of the history of South Africa, from an anthropologists point. With emphasis on the moral elements of social action including the injustice of racial oppression.

So truth be in the field

A study of the history of South Africa, from an anthropologists point. With emphasis on the moral elements of social action including the injustice of racial oppression.

Women without men: a study of 150 families in the Nqutu district of KwaZulu

Results of research conducted into the income, expenditure and livestock ownership of the average family settled in Bantu Homelands. The research also looks at the socio-economic impact of migrant labour on Black families and the negative effects of separate development.

Black Renaissance: Papers from the Black Renaissance Convention, December 1974

Papers presented at the Black Renaissance Convention: The educational world of Blacks in South Africa; The Christian challenge of Black Theology; Towards the practical manifestations of Black Consciousness; The Black women in South Africa; Black Consciousness and the economic position; The labou

Imperialist conspiracy in Africa

This book contains a collection of selected articles by I B Tabata, the president of the Unity Movement of South Africa.

Challenge to the churches: report of a consultation on the church and the liberation of Southern Africa, held at Mindolo, Kitwe, Zambia

Report of a consultation held at Mindolo, Zambia on November 25-30 1979, to discuss the role of the church in the struggle for liberation and includes papers on the prevailing situation in South Africa, the independence of the Transkei, Namibia,the role of students and the role of the Black Consc

Education is the key to change in South Africa

In this paper, at the the very outset, Bozolli, has expectations of change in the educational pattern as well as change in attitudes. The effects of segregating schools has led to a system of segregated universities in South Africa.


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